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"Well aren't the rooms outside?" I ask Laura. "Yup, I mean unless it's different from the first season." We both nod, deep in thought. "What....do you mean by....first....season?" Jean asks, very confused. Laura and I both cover our mouths as we suppress our laughter. "You'll find out later my trusty stallion." I say. Laura however bursts out laughing, clutching her stomach. "You nicknamed him 'my trusty Stallion'??" I grin as poor Jean shakes his head in defeat.

At the Scouting legion dorms, Jean opens up the doors and leads us inside. Every single pair of eyes turn to look at us as my friend and I stand there awkwardly. "Everyone get yourselves changed, Levi is holding a meeting later." Suddenly there is no more awkward silence as everyone in the room starts scrambling to get their uniforms out. "The uniforms are in the supply cupboard over there, we keep several for emergencies." Jean says, pointing over to a lone cupboard on the opposite side of the room. "Thanks." I say and walk over, taking out two freshly ironed uniforms.

One thing that I hate about shirts, is that I can never do the to button up. Like are you publicly trying to humiliate me or something? "Can you do top buttons up?" I ask my friend who's tripping to do up her zipper. "Does it look like I can?" But she does anyway. Getting the harness on was probably the most difficultest thing to do. Although I did get Armin's help with that thankfully. "Hey Jean, catch!" I call over to him, throwing his cloak back. He grins and puts it back on, oblivious to the fact that everyone's eyes were back on the two of us.

As the meeting was going on later in the day, Laura and I both decided to start our training to be part of the Scouting Legion. Originally it was only going to be Laura and I, accompanied by Commander Pyxis, but the rest of the Cadets in our dorm ended up following us. "So how old are you guys?" Armin asks, smiling politely. "15." Laura replies and Mikasa nods thoughtfully. "I wasn't sure how old you guys were, but it's kind of reassuring that you're the same age as us. I'm-" I breathe out a sigh of relief, smiling as I say "Mikasa." Eren widens his eyes and looks at me like I'm some mind reader. If only he knew what else we knew. "I'm guessing that Levi will explain that as well later on?" Mikasa isn't even bothered, she just returns the smile.

I could see the plain grounds from where I was and it was probably the most exciting thing ever! However Jean ruined my excitement in seconds. "Hey Conny, Armin-" Jean starts to say but I already know what crap is going to come out of his mouth. "Don't you dare." I mutter. Conny pokes my arm several times, grinning. "So you know what he's going to say? Interesting...." I feel myself blush at this comment and I turn away angrily. "Hey, leave her alone Conny." Ymir's blunt tone hushes them and she puts a hand on my shoulder, leading me over to where she and Christa were walking. "If they ever bother you, just tell me. But this is the only ever time where I will do something for someone else's benefit. Understood?" I smile warmly at her and nod.

"Stand in your lines." Commander Pyxis bellows. Almost immediately, the Cadets take their places in an orderly line, facing one-another while Pyxis walks down the middle of the two fairly short lines. "Training today will be the same as usual. Do not get distracted by the two new Cadets, otherwise there will be punishment." Laura and I look at each-other excitedly while the rest of the Cadets look deadly serious. After the Cadets were dismissed to combat training and using the other weapons, Commander Pyxis turned to us. "To begin with, the two of you will overcome the 'aptitude test'. Jean and Armin will help clip you up to the wires and then you will be expected to maintain balance for about 15-20 seconds, without falling upside down like Yeager did." Pyxis explained. Little did he know that we already knew all of that, but we didn't want to get punishment so both Laura and I stayed extremely silent.

Of course I ended up being paired with Jean, of course I did. "Just clip me up already you moron." I complain, crossing my arms as he fiddled around with the harness. "You might hurt yourself like Eren did." He quickly tightens the straps before hooking me onto the wires. "Yes, but that was because his belt buckle was busted." I reply, rolling my eyes. Jean suddenly froze and looked at me with dead serious eyes. "How do you know about that?" I shrug, trying not to smile. "I don't know much about you stranger, but it's pretty obvious that both you and your friend know more about the past than us Cadets do." Jean stares me right in the eyes and I gulp, laughing nervously. "See, the thing is....none of this will make any sense until later on. Once everything has been explained, myself and Laura will be in a lot more danger than we are now."

From what I had learned, you had to distribute your weight evenly so that you don't fall upside-down. "You might not get it first time, but guaranteed you won't end up like Eren." Jean says, raising me into the air. I give him the thumbs up and lean into position. "Am I doing this right?" I ask, relaxing into the new position. "Good. You seem like a natural. Alright, the next training work will be hand to hand combat training. The other Cadets learned to do this when they first joined." Commander Pyxis said, helping unhook me from the wires again.
Laura and I both went over to the Cadets and they greeted us with clapping. "Well done for completely the aptitude test guys!" Sasha exclaims, pulling a potato out of nowhere. "For the combat training, you will go with someone similar to your height otherwise it will be an unfair training session." As soon as this is said, I make eye contact with Armin. "Hey partner!" I grin and walk over as everyone else dispatches. "I'm not even going to question your height, 5'3 right?" He nods and gets into formation. "There's a stunt knife for the second round, so just be warned." I nod and copy his position. "And start." Pyxis bellows, scaring everyone.

Well shit. Maybe it would have been better if I had said that I do Martial Arts....

Word count: 1131
Time: 13:19
Date: 29/04/2020

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