'Where are they?' I thought before a large shadow was cast over me, making me look up to see the bounty flying over ahead. 'Perfect.'

I warped up into the bounty, staying in the shadows with my camouflage, and looked around.

It was surprisingly desolate as I realised I was in the bridge, only Nya was at a monitor tapping some buttons with a slightly confused face.

"Oh, there you are Nya, the guys want to talk downstairs." Lloyd said.
"Uh huh, give me a minute, I just have to unlock this." Nya replied, tapping buttons.
"It can wait." Lloyd said a bit too quickly for my liking. "Pixal has a plan, you're gonna want to hear this." He said.

'Hmmm....' I thought as Nya and Lloyd left the bridge, me following close behind.

As they walked downstairs Nya started talking to Lloyd.
"I know it's tough to take a back seat on this one." Nya said.
"I get it, I can't be impulsive. We don't want this to spiral into anything worse." Lloyd replied before going quiet. "How's Jay holding up?"

I raised an eyebrow as I followed, what's happened with Jay?

"He's been quiet, I know you didn't want to tell him, but you didn't have any other option." Nya replied.
"Yeah.....I knew that when he found that (Y/n) was Shifter, he would be crushed...I feel bad though."

I froze. Fuck, it was a bad choice to transform in front of Lloyd.

.....Why would've it been a bad choice? I'm not with the ninja, I'm with the S.O.G.

"Don't be, she tricked us like Harumi did, it's not your fault." Nya reassured him as they got to the room.

Nya walked in but I noticed Lloyd not following.

"Ok Nya, so what's your plan?" Cole asked.
"My plan? I thought it was Pixal's." Nya replied before gasping.

'Wait, did he trick them or-' I thought but snapped out of my thoughts as Lloyd closed and locked the door.
"Lloyd! What are you doing!?" Nya cried from inside.
"I'm sorry Nya, I have to confront him, I have to face him." Lloyd said, turning away.

"No! You can't!" Cole cried.
"Come on, Lloyd." Kai said.
"It could be a trap!" Zane put in.
"Yeah! Hey, we can talk it over, we'll figure it out!" Jay cried.

"I'm sorry guys. It's something I have to do, alone."
"Lloyd!" Everyone exclaimed.
"Don't do this!"

Lloyd ran off, everyone trying to open the door but failing.

I stared at the door for a second before following where Lloyd went to, finding him in the bridge and turning off the intercom as he put in coordinates.

I watched as he grabbed a parachute from a cupboard, ignoring the mass of weapons in it, and jumped off the side of the boat, using the parachute to get him onto the ground.

'I have to tell Harumi that he's coming.' I thought before hesitating.

Slowly I warped to the corridor where the others were and stared at the door before putting out my hand and unlocking the door.

The door flew open and the ninja seemed a little confused on how it opened but ran the other way to the bridge.

I watched as Jay ran off, my hand slowly reaching out but caught myself and warped back to the prison.

I found Harumi and told her that Lloyd was on his way, I was then told that I just had to help UV with setting up some cameras before I could sit back and watch the show.

i thought that it was a little weird but didn't question it as I went to help Killow and UV.

I helped Killow and UV with putting cameras up before moving to a small area that could connect to the cameras and broadcast it to places.

I heard Lloyd shouting from outside as Harumi joined us in the small area.
"Broadcast this to everyone, it's time to show what true power looks like." Harumi instructed as UV and Killow tapped away on some buttons.

I watched as Lloyd tried confronting Lord Garmadon. I don't know how Lloyd would defeat him, he's like 10x more powerful than he is, and forgot to bring a weapon to the fight.

Well, I am a bit stronger than Garmadon, but I don't want anyone to know that. When I gave up during my small fight against him, I did it because Harumi probably wanted me to, to make him feel like he could destroy anything.

"It's the fight that fuels him, he's finding it, his true potential." Harumi explained as we watched Lloyd fight Garmadon, Garmadon glowing purple in the process.

'He's going to kill or hurt himself.' I thought as I watched helplessly at the fight. 'It's obvious that Lloyd's loosing, Garmadon's too powerful.'

I saw as Garmadon knocked Lloyd down and then pick him up by the scruff of his collar.
"You wouldn't hurt me." Lloyd said, staring at him in the eye. "I'm your son."
"I have no son." Garmadon replied before throwing Lloyd through the walls of Kryptarium Prison.

My mouth fell open at the display of strength Garmadon showed when throwing Lloyd, straight through all of the walls.

Harumi, UV and Killow all laughed at Lloyd's defeat before walking out, me staying there and looking at the screen..

Lloyd was sprawled on the ground, barely moving.
"Shifter! You coming?" UV called.

I tore my eyes away from the screen and walked out. "Yeah!"

We walked to where Garmadon stood, panting as UV cackled to herself.
"The streets are in fear! Everyone saw Lord Garmadon defeat his son." UV chucked.

"Let him live, so he can see his father reign. Gather everyone, we ride to the city at dawn. It's time Ninjago meets their new emperor." Harumi commanded, gesturing to Garmadon. "Emperor Garmadon."

'Wait, since when were we taking over the city??' I thought as UV and Killow laughed at the triumph of the fall of the green ninja.

UV and Killow walked off to gather everybody and I pulled Harumi aside.
"Hey, since when were we going to take over the city? I thought you wanted to revive Garmadon to defeat the ninja?" I asked quietly.

"And so what if we are?" Harumi snapped. "If the ninja saved my parents from the Great Devourer, none of this would've happened!"
I tilted my head. "...but weren't your parents the empress and emperor....and you killed them-?"

"No, they took me in after the Great Devourer wreaked havoc in the city, my real parents had to perish since none of the ninja were able to stop it. But then Garmadon was the one who saved us all." She muttered, looking down with a sad expression.

I went to place a hand on her shoulder in reassurance but she shook it off roughly, her expression hardening again.
"I don't need your sympathy, go prepare with the others!" She demanded.

I was taken aback but nodded. "Yes, boss."

Word count: 2415 words

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