Nandini chuckled at him pushing him away as she turned around and walked into her cabin. The day continued like any other casual day at work, Nandini ran her idea through Cabir when the three of them were having lunch in Manik's cabin. He loved the idea and totally supported it. Soon after lunch she walked up to Harsh's cabin, thinking of all the things that she could tell him to try to convince him. After standing in front of his cabin for about 3 to 4 minutes, she finally knocked softly on the door. Getting the permission from him she entered the room only for Harsh to smile broadly at her.

Harsh: Come on in babygirl!

Nandini: I m not a baby Dad...
Nandini said smiling at him as she entered the room closing the door behind her.

Harsh: Sure u r not... U r a kiddo!

Nandini: If I m a kiddo, then what's Manik?

Harsh: Oh he is just an idiot!
Harsh replied almost immediately making Nandini chuckle as she nodded.

Nandini: Well u surely got that one right, so I might as well accept being the kiddo!
Nandini said as she took a seat in front of him. Harsh closed the file that he was working on to give her all his attention, the fact that made Nandini smile as warmth filled up her heart.

Nandini: Ohk... So since I m ur kiddo, as u call it, I have something to ask u!

Harsh: Sure dear...

Nandini: And u can't say No...

Harsh raised his eyes at her, trying to read her face as Nandini maintained her confident stance in front of him not daring to turn her gaze away from his analyzing eyes. Almost a minute later, Harsh sighed as he leaned back comfortably on his chair.

Harsh: If it was Manik sitting here and saying the same thing I would have probably denied but since I trust u a lot more than him, I m gonna say yes!

Nandini narrowed her eyes at him and spoke up,
Nandini: Don't trap me into words Dad. I know u trust manik too, u just wanted to make me not ask u something that u wouldn't like.... But I will anyways!

Harsh closed his eyes in mock frustration and then looked up at her. Even though his face showed annoyance, Nandini could clearly see amusement dancing in his eyes.

Harsh: Ohk so what do u have?

Nandini: An idea! I have something in my mind and I really really want u to agree to it, if not by choice then just do it for me, because I want it. Ohk so before I start with this idea, I need to update u on the hotel's progress. The entire work is going full speed ahead, the major construction got over last week, and I will have the minor detailing over by the middle of next week. 

Harsh: So soon?

Nandini: Yes... As I said, full speed!
Nandini said smiling slightly at him before she continued.

Nandini: This is what I want ur agreement for!
She said passing over the file to Harsh, her hands moving a lot slower that intended.

Harsh took the file and opened it up as Nandini spoke up.
Nandini: I was wondering, if we could keep the opening in May, 17th may to be exact. RM Height's new hotel, The NH-30, named after Nyonika and Harsh Malhotra celebrating 30 years of togetherness.

Harsh's mouth hung open as he took in her words and glanced at the file. His eyes shifted from the file to Nandini, back to the file and then finally up at Nandini.

Harsh: This... I... This is... No... I mean, you-

Nandini: Consider this as a small non refundable gift from us and please please sign the file. Please Dad!

Love... What Bullshit!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora