Part 69

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"U have got company Lovebirds!!"

Rishab spoke up looking at Manan, pulling them out of their trance as he noticed Nandini immediately wipe off her eyes while Manik pulled her closer into a hug as she hid her face into his chest, getting herself together.

Rishab frowned at it and walked closer,
Rishab: Di.... What happened? Jiju??

Manik: Hey champ.... Come on sit!
Manik said smiling a bit at him as he still held Nandini closer.

Rishab: No tell me... What happened Di??

Nandini finally broke away from Manik, looking up at him as she smiled slightly,
Nandini: Nothing at all!! I was just being too damn emotional with all this and Manik was trying to cheer me up....

Manik: As always!
Manik said teasing her making Nandini roll her eyes as she swatted his arm when her gaze fell on the girl lurking behind Rishab. Almost immediately a broad smile crept over her face as she looked at Rishab.

Nandini: Hey... U got her to meet meeee!!!!

Rishab chuckled at her nodding as he turned towards the girl and forwarded his hand to her, pulling her forward to stand beside him.
Rishab: Ash, this is my sister!

Nandini smiled broadly at her forwarding her left arm forward as her right shoulder was not fine.
Nandini: Hi, I m Nandini....

The girl held her hand smiling sweetly and replied,

Nandini: That's a nice name.... I would hv hugged u or atleast have had a proper handshake but I m not exactly at the best of my abilities right now...

Ashita: Ohh no that completely alright Di... I mean Ma'am... Mrs. Malhotra... Umn, ma'am!!!

Nandini chuckled at her nervousness before shaking her head,
Nandini: Di is just fine! No need to be formal.

Ashita smiled at her nodding when Manik spoke up,
Manik: Uhm... Buddy! Champ... Just a reminder, I m here too! Or are u going to ignore me the entire time?

Rishab laughed at it before turned towards his girlfriend,
Rishab: And that's Jiju!!

Ashita laughed forwarding her hand forward to shake with him when Rishab smiled at manik,
Rishab: I may or may not have promised her an autograph of urs... So, just to inform u before hand.

Manik: Of course! Why else would u need me here?? God, I feel so used...
Manik said dramatically making Nandini roll her eyes.

Nandini: Ignore him... Hey why are u two standing? Take a seat!

Both Rishab and Ashita took their chairs near her bed as they all sat together and talked. Manik stayed at his place next to her on the bed, holding her close to himself. He was busy in his coversation with Rishab, not even noticing how his hand was securely wrapped around her waist, his palm caressing on her injured ribs to sooth her, while Nandini sat their too much aware of the comfort that he was unknowingly providing her.

It was quite late when Manik's phone beeped with a msg and he stood up making Nandini look at him in confusion,
Manik: The driver is here with our dinner, I'll just go and get it along with ur medicines. U need something?

Nandini: No.. Nothing!
Nandini replied but manik still continued to look at her with concern,

Manik: U r gonna be fine right?

Nandini: Yes Manik, I m fine! I can handle myself for a few minutes, I m not 2, I m 5 years old big girl.

Manik chuckled rolling his eyes and turned to leave when Nandini spoke up,
Nandini: Umn why don't u take rishu along... Rishu?

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