Chapter 10

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Austin's POV:

I'm sorry." Alex replied.

"Come on hop in my car." I told him.

"Where are we going?" Alex asked as he began to buckle himself.

"My place." We're going to cool off with some pizza and video games."

"Ok sounds good." said Alex.

We pulled up to my driveway, and hopped out of the car.

As we opened the door, Zach and Robert popped out.

"AYYEEEE!" They yelled.

"Woah! What are you guys doing here?" Alex asked.

"Austin invited us over, and said that we should have some guy time."

"Sweet!" Hey did we ever get that new shooting game we've been talking about?" Alex asked.

While the boys were talking, I took out my phone to text Angel.

"Don't worry babe. Alex and I are smoothing things over as we speak. Got the crew together, and we're going to have some much needed guy time. I love you. Xoxo"

The dorm level ring and I opened it.

"Alright guys. PIZZA IS HERE!" I shouted. As they ran racing towards the door.

"Aye you guys got money on you though?" I asked.

"No" they replied.

"Agghhh I'm just messing with you! Entire pizza-on me." I laughed.

We tipped the delivery guy, closed the door, and sat on the couch, ready to devour the delicious pizza that laid in front of us.

"Ok, so can we just get over this whole "Alex texting Austin's girl thing?" Because I just want to be friends again." Robert asked.

"Yes. That is why we are here boys." I replied. To smooth over rough patches.

"Confession night!" Zach screamed.

"Ah yes, confession night. Allowing all of our confessions to come together as one huge mess of disoriented feelings." I stated.

The boys laughed. I missed hanging with the crew. When we were just worrying about what snapback matches our outfits, and not fighting over girls. Now don't get me wrong. I'm still dating Angel, but I need a little me time too, which I hope she understands. I love Angel. I couldn't break up with her even if I tried. She's so sweet and she's got the voice of a, well, angel. When we sing together it feels so right.

Music can bring people together. Just like me and Angel.

"Alright so Alex, why where you tryin to get at my girl?" I asked.

"Ohhh tssss." The other boys replied.

"Look, all I can say, is that I used to have this gigantic crush on Angel. I knew everything about her. I spent all this time and energy on someone that didn't even like me back. But who knew that you and Angel liked heavy other bro? It's amazing that you two are together now. And I've moved on, and I can't be anymore happy then I am right now."

"Alright cool. That's all I needed to hear. A sincere apology for the heart." I replied. "Welcome back brother."

Angel texted back.

"I'm glad. I understand why you were so upset in the first place. I'm happy things between you and Alex are better. Enjoy your guy time! I love you too Austin. And I'm so lucky your mine. Xoxox."

I smiled. And texted back.

"Thank you. I really need to appreciate you so much more. Your amazing." Xoxoxo

................................................................kinda boring but IT WILL GET BETTER😊 ~Cassandra ❤️

Harmonies {Austin Mahone}Where stories live. Discover now