Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Angelica's POV

I stepped outside the classroom on Thursday morning after I turned in my History homework.

Plot Twist: I actually completed it. Usually I'm such a procrastinator.

As I was walking down the hallway with Alexa, I saw Austin leaning up against the lockers, talking to his friends.

We made some eye contact and it all felt like a dream, you know, the noise goes away, and it's only you two looking at each other. And all I can think is-

"HELLO HELLO! Are you even listening to me Angel?"

"What?" I questioned. "I didn't even know you were talking Alexa, all I heard was noise"

"Wow, some best friend you are."

"I'm sorry! I got....distracted."

"Mhhm" she replied.

I smiled a "sorry" smile.

"Austin again?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I opened up my locker, and started to put some of my books away. "I just get lost in those eyes. And he's so cute, I get so frustrated at myself for liking him but I feel like I'm in love with him?? I have no idea what I'm saying.."

"Ooh girl, you've got it bad."

I shut my locker.

"Got what exactly?" I asked Alexa.


The ENTIRE hallway of students turned around and stared at us.

"Sshh ALEXA! We're in the middle of the hallway!"

I yelled, "Sorry everyone, I got a new puppy named Princess and I love her haha "puppy love" haha that's what Alexa was saying ahaha." I laughed nervously. "I hate you."

"No you love me. C'mon let's go to music class."

"But Austin's in that class, now I'm embarrassed."

"Calm down Angel, he didn't even notice."

I walked into music class with Alexa right beside me.

As luck would have it, the only open seat was next to Austin.

I sat down beside him and Alexa sat next to me at my right.

He looked at me. Omg he looked at me.


His voice was deep and smooth. I felt like my heart was melting.

"I'm Austin."

"Hi, I'm Angel."

"That's a beautiful name." He replied.


"Thanks." I replied.

"Alright class, we are going to work on harmonies today, any volunteers?" Our music teacher asked.

Austin's hand shot straight up.

"Alright Austin. Who's wants to be his duet partner for harmonies?"

"Actually, Miss. Smith, I want Angel to come up and sing with me."


"Me?" I pointed to myself. "No no no no no, I don't think that's a good idea.."

"C'mon it'll be fun!" He held out his hand to bring me up with him.

Omg. I can't take his hand and sing with him.. I almost fall to my knees just by looking into his eyes I can't...hold his hand!

I think I'm going to puke.

Alexa looked at me with a "GO ON" look.

"Ok." I replied.


We started to sing.

His voice blended with mine perfectly. And our voices sounded like smooth chocolate being poured onto a light fluffy cake. It was like living in a fantasy. All I could think about was his voice, so warm, I felt wrapped up in a soft blanket.

We finished, and we just stared at each other. The classroom, dead quiet.

"You're amazing." Austin said.

"Thank you. You're outstanding yourself."

The bell rang, and we snapped out of our daydream.

"Alright class!" Miss. Smith exclaimed. "See you tomorrow! Find a partner and work on your harmonies!"

"See you later, Angel"

"Bye Austin."

I walked out of the classroom with Alexa.

"Did you and Austin just moment?" She asked, nudging my shoulder.

"I think we did." I replied.

~Hey guys it's Cassandra. So I guess that my chapters will continue to be longer, and not short like the last one. I hope your enjoying it so far!💕

Harmonies {Austin Mahone}Where stories live. Discover now