Chapter 8

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Austin's POV:

I drove and drove, not recognizing where I was going or what I was doing. I couldn't beat Alex up. Yes he did betray me and I'm still pissed at him, but I could never bring myself to it. He's helped me through so much, but when one other person comes into the picture, he destroys all the trust I put in him.

I stopped daydreaming. And woke up into reality. There's no one on the road, and I'm in the middle of the desert.

"Where am I?" I ask myself, confused of how I got here.

I took a sharp right onto the desert sand, leaving a trail of dust behind me, and parked my car.

I got out, and took of my truck fit sweater and t-shirt. I went around to the back of my trunk, and opened it, staring inside.

And there it was.

My beautiful red guitar, I keep with me almost everywhere I go. It made me feel calm in the darkest of situations..kinda like now.

I pulled it out and took of its case, revealing it's red surface. I sat there, guitar in hand, and just meditated and thought about today. How I was furious at Alex, how I love Angel but probably scared her and made her upset.

"ugh, IM SUCH AN IDIOT!" I yelled. No one could hear me anyway. It's absolutely lifeless here.

I took a deep breath and claimed myself down. I started to strum a few random chords on my guitar.

"How could I be so blind? No matter how hard I try. ALEX WAS LYING TO ME. HOW COULD I NOT SEE." I ferociously strummed on my guitar.

"UGH. Ok. I just gotta calm down" I breathed heavily as I searched my car for a water bottle. "It's so hot."

I found a half drunken water bottle, and I decided it was better than nothing. It was warm, so not as refreshing as I wanted it to be.

As I finished up the water bottle, I decided to put away my guitar and drive back. I mean, who can come up with a song if all your focusing on is how hot the weather is?

I started up my car and drove.

Where do I go now? If I go to Angel's house it'll be awkward...

Looks like I'm going to pay Alex a visit.

Harmonies {Austin Mahone}Where stories live. Discover now