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Two weeks have passed after the battle Margo had with corrupted Jade, she had gone to the healing room where many of the druids took care to heal her along with Jayla who had yet to open her eyes even after all that time has passed. Even if she hadn't taken part in the fight with the hero killer she had been given the news about the attack on the city. 

Rather than what the headlines showed Margo had gotten the inside scoop on how Izuku, Todoroki, and Tenya managed to defeat the notorious hero killer stain. Mainly because it was suspicious why Izuku had only sent her his location and was ambiguous in his explanation, so she used magic to reveal what had happened that night when she was a tad bit too busy with her battle to go to his aid. She could have helped him easily and she felt a bit bad for it but she couldn't express it as she knows he would panic if he knew she knew why. And he would begin asking questions as to how she knew so it was better to leave it at her not knowing.

She had gotten a call from her parents asking if she was alright and she gave a white lie saying that she was nowhere near the attack in Hosu so she wasn't involved in any possible way, to reassure them. She didn't need to tell them how she nearly lost her life to someone who was working with her.

She didn't want them to worry or put them in any form of danger as she knew that if she had told them the events that unfolded they would beg her to come back home and if she didn't they would themselves come and pick her up. So to avoid such an event she simply chose not to tell them. And today was finally the last day of the internship, after having done training with the goddess herself and even going so far as to do some hero work with her as that was what she was interning for Margo felt that she was even more ready to take on the world and protect herself as well as show Katsuki exactly who she was. To say goodbye before heading back to the train station, she went into the office of the goddess. Once she had arrived in front of the doors before she could even knock she heard a voice speak.

"Come in"

She took a breath as she opened the doors and entered the office, she saw the goddess currently reading a book which held no title. On her desk was a mountain of books which were there. Margo wondered what she was doing with so many books, as she stayed standing near the door as she didn't plan on taking much of her time. The goddess placed down the book as she faced Margo, till now Margo kept on being astonished by her beauty, it was simply incomprehensible, as to how she did it.

"Thank you for taking care of me during for the 2 weeks, I'll be taking my leave now"

"Before you leave take this with you, I can tell it will be useful for you in the future"

Margo looked as to what she was referring to and there were 3 bookshelves filled with books the size of the palm of her hand inside a small glass case. Margo astonished took the small case and placed it in her bag.

"These are.."

"They are spell books from my library do use them well and make me proud WildCard"

That was all she said as that very second without a second to waste Margo no longer found herself inside the library but outside standing on the sidewalk in front of space. As if there was never a building standing there. With a sigh, Margo then began making her way towards the train station. She was glad that she had learned something new but couldn't seem to keep her mind off the battle she had with Jade and called out spells she never knew. This bothered her a bit and she had asked The goddess for any clues concerning it but her answers were vague and she didn't give anything direct this would have to be some research she must do on her own, but right now she didn't want to think of such things.

------Back at UA------

Margo had gone to class the day after quite early, as she began talking to Momo. She felt bad as her friend basically was interning for a celebrity who was only doing commercials and barely did anything that suits the genre of hero. 

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