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Margo was in her room as she began to think back on her fight in the facility. It was pathetic how she had to replenish her power constantly to cast most spells. She had not truly mastered her ability yet. Just when she thought she had found the ability to help her deal with it until her mana pool was large, she completely loses the ability to do so. She had no idea how she did it in the first place. She was on her own on the matter, the school was closed today for the class of 1-A mainly because of the incident that happened in the facility. She took a deep breath as she was meditating. She needed a way to make this power completely her own, she felt pathetic as she could barely help her classmates when it really came down to it. Her premonition was something she couldn't control either as it just came and left. This was exhaustingly frustrating.

She did her best as many of the villains were captured already, but she still felt bad from the lack of being able to think quickly on her feet while making the right decision. She felt as though every decision she made was the wrong one and she could have ended this sooner with her power. What's the point of having the ability to let the universe listen to your request if you can't ask the right things? She remembered vividly the time she was enraged her book floated in front of her as if it was alive. She didn't know what she could do to make it happen again but this time not when she's angry but by her own will.

She remembered that the goddess told her that the gift is not something you train but you study and learn, but what is there to learn? she didn't get it was she doing it wrong the entire time? She was getting even more frustrated as she was simultaneously trying to stay afloat and use this day to increase her mana pool. She hated how she got so tired easily and when doing a new spell it severely drains her like there's no tomorrow. Everyone was getting stronger, learning, adapting, and improving themselves. But Margo? She felt as though there was no difference in skill other than knowing a few more spells.

Her mom was a bit worried about her as when she came home she went directly into her room shutting herself in. She heard what had happened from the school saying she exhausted herself but her mom didn't exactly know what was wrong. She tried talking to her but Margo would simply smile at her and say she's fine before locking herself up again. It wasn't like her whatsoever and it tore her heart to see her daughter like this.

After meditating, margo would walk over to her bed as she sat down on it, thinking of possible ways she could have done better. As she saw what the pros were capable of she was more unsure of herself, as she wondered if she would ever be able to be like them in the future. Reality had never hit her so hard in the face before. She wanted to defeat Bakugo in every possible way but was that what she really wanted? After yesterday's events, she became unsure of a lot of things about herself. She did not even know where she was going with this train of thought.

First things first let's figure out my magic She thought as she stood up from her bed and stretched her hand out to her book which was lying on her desk.

The next day Margo would be slouched on her desk as she had gotten nowhere with making her book levitate without using a spell. She had spent all night on it, and when she got frustrated she would be meditating to expand her mana pool. Before going back at it again. She was deadbeat tired, she would most likely fall asleep as her favorite teacher is for sure still stuck in the hospital for that wound he got. She honestly felt bad for him, he was definitely her #2 favorite hero. If you're wondering who's #1 on her list they simply haven't made an appearance yet.

"You guys did you see the news last night?" Toru said excitedly

"Yeah" Ojiro replied while nodding.

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time though I doubt no one noticed me hanging out in the background," she said dejectedly.

"Probably not," Shoji said, Damn no chill Margo thought as she heard their conversation, Ojiro was surprised by the bluntness by Shoji as he tried to cover it up quickly.

Enchanted ( MHA X FT fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ