Chapter 1: The Girl with the Sharp Glare

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Your friend had dragged you along to this party you weren't even invited to. Her date couldn't make it, so she begged you to come with her and you regretted it the second you said yes just to try and be a good friend and keep her company.

Going to parties, dancing, drinking, none of those were your thing. You were rather reserved and quiet, not exactly shy though. You'd been hurt a lot in the past, so you didn't really warm up to people fast. You always approached them warily until they could somehow prove themselves to you unknowingly. If they stuck around long enough for you to see that, you gave them a chance.

You were deemed the killjoy and bitter one all your life because of this. That couldn't be further from the truth, but you gave off that threatening vibe and people quickly accused you for not going along with their expectations. You knew guys secretly loved your conviction in your ways and it honestly grossed you out when they tried to get past your walls trying to 'win' you over as a 'trophy' of sorts.

You were so done with all that bullshit and you kept to yourself whenever you could, you seemed to be a magnet for these douchebags anyway and no one was worth it. Another reason why they ticked you off for being too picky and having impossibly high standards or expectations. You had learned with time that you couldn't care less about what people said.

So what? You had standards, you weren't going to lower them because they said so. It was your personal life after all, they didn't have to deal with the repercussions of it. You looked around with a daunting look on your face, trying to ward off anyone who wanted to make a move. It was ingrained in you, you couldn't help it.

You found someone's gaze fixed on you, they had clearly been watching as you scanned the room taking in your surroundings. The place was packed, but he seemed to pay no notice of it. His burning stare was alluring, without trying his eyes were intensely peering into you. You felt uncomfortable for a second and averted their gaze. But you couldn't help but be drawn to those eyes, making you look back just a couple seconds later.

He was now looking down to some girl that had approached him, she seemed to be very close to him as you could tell she was probably wrapped around him from in-between the people that blocked your vision. He should mind his own girlfriend, that was awkward. You shrugged it off as you found your friend again and walked up to her.

"Where did you go?" you asked a little annoyed, "you know I don't know anyone else here."

"I'm sorry, I was told someone from BTS was here and I wanted to see who it was" she explained and you rolled your eyes at her, you cared because she was your friend, but you really didn't care about so or so.

"Who is that dark haired guy, the one that keeps brushing their bangs off from their eyes?" you asked curious about the guy who had stared at you like you were an alien. He was handsome, probably a jerk or a player too. Typical type of guy that would get fixed on you.

"Oh, that's him, Kim Taehyung from BTS" she said excited, "isn't he gorgeous?"

You scoffed as this was probably what every other girl here was thinking. Your average heartthrob that you couldn't understand why everyone liked. Yes, he looked good, but looks weren't all if the guy had an off-putting manner.

You happened to look in his direction and he caught your eye again as he was staring. With a glare you tried to get his eyes off you, but he glared back. The nerve, now he was mocking you. When you shook your head slightly as you registered this, he began to flash a broad smile and you looked away done with him.

Tae's face dropped and his eyebrows furrowed at your reaction. His lips now in an almost unnoticeable pout. He felt a pair of delicate hands grab his shoulders from behind and he sighed before turning around. For some reason women were super touchy at this party and he was feeling rather uncomfortable. They seemed to have no sense of personal space.

"Hey, can I help you?" he said with a serious face. The girl introduced herself and tried to flirt with him. He politely listened, but he wished she would go away. He didn't come here looking to hook up or whatever they were expecting. He was curious though, about this one girl that wasn't all over him.

Not only were you not falling at his feet just because of whatever you thought of his looks, you were not pretending everything he did was the best thing ever and giggling at it as if that was attractive. You also had a confident, unrelenting gaze unlike those that he usually shot down effortlessly with a simple look. At least what he considered 'a simple look'. It was far from that.

He didn't go around randomly smiling at people, this was not the usual situation he encountered, he wasn't sure how to approach it either. Without making a fool out of himself that is. You didn't look like the kind he could easily talk to like those around him. These gatherings made him a little nervous. He would rather be doing something else, in the comfort of his home.

"Talked to anyone interesting?" came Jungkook's voice out of nowhere. Taehyung had come to watch the maknae, this was all work related anyway, but he seemed to be the only one available.

"No, I kind of wish they would back off a bit" Tae said irritated.

"They looked fine to me" the younger one said scratching the back of his neck elusively.

"Looked is the keyword" Tae said unamused, "it would be nice if they realized poking and prodding me is inappropriate." Jungkook nodded understanding how awkward that probably was.

"We should get going, I'm done anyway" he offered, Tae was not paying attention. The maknae followed his gaze and found you. "I guess you haven't talked to her, since no one's been worth it so far" he teased his hyung.

He turned around giving him a fed up look, maybe everyone was getting on his nerves tonight and there was nothing wrong with them. He did want to talk to you though, just to get it out of his head that you were probably just as uninteresting as everyone else. But he was wrong and the matter didn't end there as he thought it would.

 But he was wrong and the matter didn't end there as he thought it would

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