Chapter 25: Dating Within Friend Group is Awful

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"Where exactly?" I ask playing dumb.

"Young love; I forgot how mushy it makes you." Noah says suddenly.

"Noah, you know you are still young, right?" I ask, shaking my head.

"Yes, but I am going to remain single forever." He answers, giving me a wide grin.

"Leave this, we were discussing about which place we should go to hangout." Drake says exasperated.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot." Noah exclaims

"Wait, why are you talking about going to hang-out? You two have still not studied for the Economics test that is day after tomorrow." Justin says.

"We can study tomorrow." Drake says, waving off what Justin said.

"Sunshine also has a Chemistry test actually. Why don't we do group study for an hour or two and hangout after that?" Jake suggests.

"We also have a Computer Science test on Friday so why not?" Rosie says. Chris and Rosie are in normal Computer Science classes while I am in the AP one.

"Rest of us can just do our homework." Katie shrugs.

"There is a tiny problem; Mom and Dad are in town so you all can't come to our house." Justin says apologetically.

"It's okay, mine are out of town and even if they would have been at home, they wouldn't have minded. So you all can come to my house after school." Jake offers.

"But we don't know where your house is, text us the address." Ash says.

"Okay and the city center is near my house where we can play tag and there is bowling and gaming arena too. It also has a food court to die for." Jake says.

"That sounds cool actually," Chris say and everyone murmurs in agreement. "I will tell Dyl," He adds. Dash was sick so Soph took a leave as well to take care of him. They love each other so much that they are literally couple goals. Em is out of town for a week so Mia is hanging out with her cheer-leading friends. Dyl said it's been a long time since he has hanged-out with some of his buddies so he having lunch with them right now.


"Wow, your home is awesome." I say looking at the mansion in front of me. Even if it's big, the warmth and homely feeling coming from it is enough to make you feel comfortable. The house has two floors and there are different flowers around the perimeter except in front of the door. A wide dirt path is in front of the door and beautiful bushes are on either side of it. On one side of the path there is a court with nets neatly folded by its side. I am guessing they are different types of nets for different games. At the far corner there is a lounge chair with a small table beside it and a round table with four chairs beside it. On the other side there is a swimming pool.

After school was over, we decided that I would go with Jake to his house first so that I can have a head start. Rest of them will come eventually after their practices or after going home once.

"Thanks, I am sure Mom will appreciate it." He says grinning, as we enter the house.

If the outside was beautiful, then the inside is out of the world. Elegant couches, armchairs, giant staircase and what not adorn the living room of the house. But like the outside, it provides a homely feeling which must be due to the different photo frames on the wall of the staircase and small ones on the tables. Wait; is that a guitar on the couch?

"You know how to play a guitar?" I exclaim pointing towards the said instrument which is lying there innocently as if it didn't just make me want to squeal like a mad woman.

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