Chapter 5

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(Ruby's POV)

Everyone got their weapons ready. Infinite launched his cubes at us.

Qrow: Make sure not to get touched by those!

I jumped up to dodge the red cubes. I shot a bullet at Infinite. He put up his hand and caught it. He crushed it and smiled.

Infinite: How cute child. You actually intend to fight me.

Yang: Aren't you around our age?

Infinite just scoffed. His body started to glow more red. He sent out a blast and my vision has a red tint. I looked around and red cubes started to surround everyone, except me. The cubes went back to Infinite and didn't hurt anyone.

Qrow: What was the point of that?

Infinite: You'll see.

The cubes started to form into clones of us. I wonder why I wasn't cloned. The clones started to fight the originals. I was left standing there. I was about to help out my friends, but Infinite stopped me.

Infinite: It would appear that I need to teach you fear.

I swung my scythe at him. He jumped back and started to fire at me. I used my semblance to dodge and get closer to him. He tried to punch me. I dodged and hit him in the back. He was sent back a little.

Infinite: I guess I shouldn't underestimate you, child.

He turned around and faced me.

Infinite: How have you not been shaking in fear? You see what I did to this city.

Ruby: I won't be scared. I know that with my friends, we will stop you.

Infinite: Friends. What a foolish concept to believe in.

He rushed over at me. I put my arms up to block any upcoming attack. I didn't feel anything. I looked up to see that he stopped right in front of me. He isn't going to hit me?

Infinite: Why can't I move?

He said under his breath, but I was still able to hear him.

(Readers POV)

Why can't I hit her? Something is not making me move an inch. Looking at her, she seems so familiar.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose.

That name, Ruby. Why does it bother me so much? I took a few steps back. I shook my head.

(Y/N): I shouldn't worry about names.

I charged up energy in my hand. I was about to shoot it at Ruby, but was interrupted by a punch to the face.

Yang: Get away from my sis!

I was knocked into a wall. I was getting pissed off. I got up and looked at her.

(Y/N): You have quite the death wish.

Yang: We already got rid of your clones. They were pretty easy to defeat. They don't even have semblances.

What is a semblance? It must be something that makes them stronger. I charged up more energy.

(Y/N): Time to show you the true extent of the Phantom Ruby!

I sent out a blast in all directions. Everyone started to float, like if gravity didn't exist.

(Y/N): You will pay dearly for hitting me.

I went up to the blondie and grabbed her by the neck. She grabbed my arm and tried to loosen my grip, but failed. I tightened my grip and she was losing air.

(Ruby's POV)

Yang was being strangled. I want to safe her, but I couldn't move. Something was telling me to reach for my pocket. I grabbed the gem and it was glowing, like the gem on Infinite's chest. Fell down to the ground and no longer was floating. I jumped up and slammed Crescent Rose in Infinite, knocking him down to the ground. He let go of Yang and everyone stopped floating.

Yang: Ruby! How did you do that? That was amazing!

Infinite got up. His mask was on the floor and he was covering his face. He raised his other hand at me and shot out a blast at me. The gem I was holding started to glow more and his attack went through me.

Infinite: What the hell? How did you do that?

Nora ran up to him and went slammed him with her hammer. He blocked it, but Jaune started to slash at him. Infinite tried grabbed his sword with the hand that was covering his face.

Infinite: How dare you!

His face has a scar on his right eye. I looked at him closely. He looks like... him. I reached for my back pocket and pulled out the newspaper clipping. I looked at the picture of (Y/N) and compared it to Infinite. I gasped and tears started to form in my eyes.

Ruby: It's actually him. I found him.

But he doesn't remember me.

(Y/N): Time to finish this!

Pyrrha used her semblance and got Nora and Jaune away from him. He was about to attack us, but stopped himself. He went and picked up his mask. He put it on and started to fly.

(Y/N): You all are not worth the trouble of finishing off.

Weiss: More like you will lose if you stay and fight us.

He just scoffed and flew away at high speeds. Yang noticed my tears. She walked up to me.

Yang: Are you ok?

Ruby: I found him.

(Chapter 5 end)

A Phantom's Rose (Male Infinite reader x Ruby Rose)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu