Chapter 21

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(Ruby's POV)

I looked at Eggman.

Ruby: Give back (Y/N) now! It's clear that you're going to lose!

Ivo: I think you have it backwards, girl.

He pointed at Nora.

Ivo: Metal Sonic and Metal Ruby! Get the Chaos Emeralds from her!

They both nodded and rushed over at team JNPR. Me and Sonic rushed over and got in front of them. The robots tried to attack us, but I used Crescent Rose to block them.

Sonic: Nora! Give us the Chaos Emeralds!

Ruby: You four go and find (Y/N)! We'll hold these guys off!

Jaune: Right.

Nora: You better give them back after this.

Nora threw the four gems she had at Yang and Knuckles. They both caught the four gems. Team JNPR quickly ran off into another room to look for (Y/N).

Shadow: Let's get this over with.

Shadow ran up and kicked away me and Sonic's robot doppelgängers.

Shadow: These two are mine. The rest of you go for the fat man.

I just nodded my head. I rushed over at Eggman and tried to slash at him. The robot me appeared right in front of me.

Ruby: How?!

She slashed at me, sending me back at high speeds. I crashed into Sonic, sending us both into a wall.

Sonic: That hurt...

I heard Eggman start to laugh.

Ivo: I've been waiting a long time for this. I'll let my robots take care of this.

He tried to walk away, but couldn't.

Ivo: Whats going on?

He looked down and there is one of Weiss's black glyphs.

Weiss: You three aren't going anywhere.

Yang: We still have a beatdown to give you.

Knuckles: You better be ready!

Ivo: You all sure are confident.

(Readers POV)

It's been awhile since I last saw Ivo. I tried to get out of my restraints, but it's no use. I heard some crashing noises getting closer.

(Y/N): That doesn't sound good.

I saw the wall right next to me break down. I saw a huge hammer.

Nora: (Y/N)! Where are you?!

Team JNPR walked into the room and saw me.

Jaune: There you are.

Pyrrha: Thank goodness Nora didn't hit you.

Ren: It certainly was close.

I got out of my shock from seeing team JNPR.

(Y/N): I'm glad you guys are here to help me.

Jaune: Let's get you out of those ropes.

Jaune cut the ropes with his sword and I stood up.

Pyrrha: Are you hurt at all?

I shook my head no.

Nora: Mission successful.

Ren: We should get back to the other and help them out.

(Y/N): Ruby and the others are here?

They nodded at me. I felt relieved to hear that Ruby is here. Now I know I'll be safe from anything.

(Y/N): Let's go.

We all started to run. I followed behind the four. After some running, we made it into a room where everyone else is.

Nora: We found the lost jackal!

Ruby looked over and we looked at each other.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

Sonic: Good to see you're alright!

I saw Ivo get mad.

Ivo: I guess today really isn't my day!

I saw the robot Ruby get in front of me. It brought up her scythe arm and about to attack me. Before I can react, Shadow showed up and blocked the attack for me.

Shadow: This is no place for you (Y/N). You'll only get in the way!

Shadow kicked away the robot Ruby. Shadow took off the rings on his wrists. His eyes went pure white and a red aura started to burst off his body.

Shadow: This robot is going straight to hell!

He disappeared from my sight. Robot Ruby started to get sent around. I can't see Shadow, but I know he is the one doing it. Shadow appeared above the robot and slammed it into the ground.

Shadow: Chaos... Blast!

A small explosion came off his body. Everyone covered their eyes from the blinding light. After the light went away, I looked over and saw Shadow on his knees and breathing heavily. The robot Ruby is now a bunch of broken parts on the floor.

Tails: That's one down!

Blake: Let's get this wrapped up and leave.

Ivo: Impossible!

Shadow slowly got up and walked up to me.

Shadow: ...Hey.

(Y/N): ...Hi.

I looked over and saw the robot of Sonic walk up to all the different parts and looked down at them.

Sonic: It's... sad?

Is it actually sad about losing its buddy? Now I feel kinda bad for it. Knowing what Ivo put me through, I can only imagine what he puts his creations through.

Ivo: You useless machine! Get back and fight them!

The robot just looked at him. It stayed like that for what felt like a minute. It nodded his head. Electricity came out of its body.

Jaune: Whats it doing?

The electricity connected to the parts of the robot Ruby. The parts started to float and went into the robot Sonic. It started to merge with the parts.

Ivo: Yes! This is the secret functionality finally being put in use!

A light surrounded the robot, obscuring it.

Nora: That can't be good.

The light went away. The robot of Sonic changed. It's a bit taller than before. It has a red scarf around its neck, its blue parts are now a darker blue, and a small white aura surrounding its body.

Metallix: I'll crush you!

(Chapter 21 end)

A Phantom's Rose (Male Infinite reader x Ruby Rose)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ