My uncles grinned next to him, "Don't do that at the same time creeps!" Antonio shuddered.

They rolled their eyes, "Impsway" (Pig Latin "Wimps") Uncle Carmelo muttered.

"Are you talking bad about us?" Roman accused.

"Sta 'zitto" (Italian "Shut up") Grandpa sighed.

"Why would we talk about you? We see enough of you everyday as it is." Uncle Dimitri said disgusted.

We gaped at him, "We are you family!" I protested.

"You're our dad!" His kids yelled.

"Yeah and?" He challenged.

My dad was smirking and our friends were laughing, "Damn what a savage." Zach chuckled.

"Shut up before I knock your teeth out." Val gritted making him shut up and huff.

"Carrying on... we wanted to check up on how your training is going. Along with your jobs." Dad trailed off with a curious face.



"Training is great." Stefano answered fast.

They all made a face, oh no they can't know.

My dad titled his head and hummed, "And your Jobs?" He questioned slowly.

I bit my lip, "Hehe you know, fine." I chuckled nervously.

"You haven't done them have you?" Grandpa deadpanned.

"No?" Brandon squeaked.

"Why the hell do we have 35 of you and there isn't one job done?" Uncle Emiliano growled.

"Yeah guys why haven't you done anything." Brandon mocked.

We all looked at him and he gulped putting his hands up.

My father pinched his nose, "Go now." He sighed pointing to the door.

Before we left dad stopped us four, "Leo, get yourself an energy drink. Don't need you falling asleep out there. And thank you for taking care of your sister." He said thankfully.

"Sempre." (Italian "Always.") he replied.

"We also just wanted to let you four know that the traitor is someone called tigerblood. We don't know who it is yet." Grandpa glared at the four.

"We were actually talking about him or her last night apparently they fight at the underground." Stefano explained.

"I know the name from somewhere but I can't place it, maybe I'll remember soon." Leo frowned.

"Yeah well whoever it is, is dead." Val grunted.

"How much longer till we get there." Donovan whined.

"An hour. Get over it." Taylor said hitting him.

Yeah they are brother and sister obviously.

"For real, worst than a child." Celestia muttered.

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