84. Sibling

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"You look at the painting every night" Tara observed.

"How was she like?" Geet said looking at Tara.

Tara remembered with a flash, some words told her years back.

"Those eyes look at me, Tara. Those hands touch me. The men you call an uncle, a cousin, someone you trust, I see their eyes slip continuously from my face. I see the touch linger. I see lines being crossed. I wish I could take this thing off my face, I am nothing, nothing but a face, a pair of breasts, someone whom people see as a challenge" Mira said one night.

"She was more than just a pretty face" Tara said not knowing why she was getting triggered.

"I never had an elder sister" Geet said, not catching on the slight off key in Tara's voice.

"How does it feel like to have one?"

Tara tried to remember the earlier days of Mira, when they were young and happy. Even as a kid, there were phases Mira got upset and never revealed why, especially when a relative visited. Now Tara knew. Then, she just thought Mira was moody.

But these specks of memories aside, Tara remembered the good memories too. The times when her sister sang. There were times, Tara had a bad day and she sat by Mira asking her to sing.

"What am I? A radio?" she used to joke, but eventually gave in.

"I felt I could never match up to her, constantly" Tara said.

"I am sorry for bringing her up"

"It is alright. It's been years"

"But grief is constant, isn't it?"

"Sibling's death isn't someone you can move on from"

Geet touched Tara's hand tentatively.

"I wish you would have a girl"

Tara did not see that coming, felt something in her heart constrict.

"Then we can name her after your sister"

Tara smiled a wobbly smile.

"What if it is a boy?"

"It is going to be a girl. I am sure"

Tara gave a tiny laugh.

"If it is going to be a boy, I will tell him you are disappointed in his gender"

"He would believe his sweet aunt over his strict mother"

"Strict? I look strict to you?"

"I counted how many times you smiled in the painting class you take for kids. One and half"

"What is a half?"

"The smirk which does not count"

"Don't you have assignments to do?"

"You want to get rid of me"


Geet did not mind the light minded jab.

"Anyway, not studying tonight. Neelima is coming over, and since it is Friday night, I can afford to skip procrastinating. Neelima is my friend by the way, I guess you have seen her around"

"Vikram's girlfriend?"

"She is not Vikram's— why would you think so?"

Tara shrugged. Never seen Vikram make eyes at anyone like that.

Geet shuddered. "That is one couple I don't ship"

Tara laughed. "Various ships sail despite our not liking them"

"Which couple did you dislike from happening?"

"Hrithik Roshan and Susanne. But I guess the dislike would have been towards any woman who would have married him. So it's not really against her"

Geet laughed.

"I think you should join us"

"Over college student's sleepover? No thank you"

"No really, we usually watch movies. It is fun. Please"

When Tara looked unsure, Geet made a master stroke. "We can watch a Hrithik's movie.

"Nice try" Tara smiled.

"I might join. I can't promise. Will give you some privacy for some time to gush over college hotties"

"Yeah, I can't seem to handle one. Don't have head space to even eye others"

"What happened after that day? You said you did something?"

"I wrote him a mail."


"Nothing. No reply. What should I do?"

"I am not great at advice in keeping a marriage intact subject—" Tara tried self-deprecating humor.

"I wish he were here" Geet said. "I don't think I would ever forgive myself if I pushed him farther than he could come from"

"He will come around"

"You think so?"

"He better be. I can't babysit you always"

"How mean" said Geet, although she knew Tara was kidding.

As Geet saw Neelima's call, she asked Tara to join them over, as she went to receive her friend.


A Bend in the road - Vol 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon