67. Some Questions, Some answers

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The night wasn't supposed to turn out like this, but damn, of all the coincidences he had known, today was the mother of coincidences.

When his friend Mihir approached him saying his NGO wanted some volunteers to conduct a couple of workshops at the all girls orphanage, he had ensured most of his students sign up for it.

They have conducted some self defense basics and he had decided he would run a weekend class for the interested girls just in case. The world was tough anyway, and if he could equip someone to pack a punch, at least punch a couple of jerks like him, then he would only be happy to help.

He was with the matron of the orphanage, talking, when someone had come in with a knock on the door.

It was one of the trustees of the orphanage, he was told my the matron. He was glad he was a poker faced bastard because when Sameera Kohli extended her hand, her face barely containing her surprise to meet him there, he responded with a polite hello.

"I'm glad you're here Ms.Kohli, Mr.Vikram wanted to arrange for weekend classes for self defence for the girls"

"That's a great idea Mr.Vikram... Sorry I didn't catch your last name. What was it?"


A sudden bout of laughter bubbled up by her lips but she pressed them tighter. Some things never change, just as the bastard's sense of humour.

"I guess we share the surname" she said, pressing her lips into a thin line.

"I guess we do share a lot in common"

The nerve, Sameera thought viciously.

The matron looked between both of them and although she wasn't aware of the vibe, she felt something hidden going on, as if she wasn't privy to some information.

"Could I speak to you regarding the self defence classes, Mr. Vikram? I want to understand the operations of it. How many would teach, how much would you charge? Would you require an indoor place or some equipment as well? Could we discuss this first?"

He looked like he wanted to deny, but with a nod, he stood up, understanding he could give her 5 minutes as a token of growing up with her.

Once alone in the garden, she didn't take a minute before walking close to him and pushing him at his chest with all her might.

"You bastard"

"Hello to you too Sameera"

"Where the fuck have you been all these days, goddamn it? Do you have any idea how much I have suffered with guilt and regret thinking that stupid drunken mistake pushed you away?"

"You and I know whom do I blame Sammy"

"It was just a drunken mistake Vicky and you know that. It didn't mean anything to me, and I am sure it wouldn't mean anything to you too"

"It did not mean anything and yet you broke up with Maan bhai"

"What in the world do you mean?"

Vikram stared at her, a little taken aback by her question.

"I broke up with him before you left Vicky. Why do you think I got piss drunk and was ready to hook up with random strangers at a random party at the first place? We separated that afternoon and although I know for a long time we didn't love each other enough to make this work, it was still hard letting go of someone you get used to. And I practically grew up with him. It was hard imagining my life without his presence. I was a mess" she said pressing her palms to her face. Vikram then saw the diamond on her ring finger that sparkled in the afternoon sun.

"But I moved on, and so did he. Do you know your brother is getting married in a week? Who the hell got benefited by your rash decision? You lost a family, I lost a friend and most importantly, your Maan bhai lost both his brothers"

Vicky looked up sharply.

"What happened with Dev bhai?"

"Maybe it's time you go home and ask this question yourself Vicky. Maybe it's time you grow up to protect other people, than being a fucking escapist"

And with that she walked away from him, too angry to do anything else.

She will be back when she calmed down, he knew. But what about the time he lost? What about the family he lost? Will that come back?

He was walking along the empty streets, trying to sink everything in. His brother was getting married. His other brother probably walked out of the house too.

And here he was, so close yet so far. And if he had to go back too, how would he do that? How could he possibly face his brother?

His mind was a complete mess when he saw her.

She was sitting on the pavement, one hand holding her sandal with the broken heel, her other hand trying to miraculously fix it.

If there was a point beyond frustration at someone else's lack of common sense, it was this.

"Please don't make me unnecessarily rich by getting into trouble, Lizzy" he said, with his hands in his pockets.

She looked alarmed at the sudden voice but looking at him now, a sudden irritation flashed across her face.

"It's Geet. And I'm not into trouble. I'll be fine"
"I've seen your talents the other day. What are you doing here so late after college?"

Geet in general was a nice person until her feathers were ruffled. Since Vikram wasn't being his mean self, she thought being polite is the least thing she could do.

"I was to give some invitation cards to my ex-colleagues" she said clutching the cover filled with her wedding cards.

"You had work experience? What did you do? Child labour?"

Although he was teasing her, Geet noticed he wasn't going his way, like he usually would. May be it was to ensure the unfateful incident that happened the first time they met shouldn't be repeated.

"I don't see anything wrong in supporting yourself financially when need arises"

He didn't rebuke her. And that was the only indication that he agreed with her.

"Where is your home?"

"Mayur vihar"

"Okay. I'm going to take the metro too, you can walk with me"

"How lucky am I to suddenly find myself deemed fit to walk in the same ground as you"

He grinned. "I was planning to take 500 from you for that"

"I'm not that rich"

"Why your boss didn't pay you well?"

"Don't drag Maan in this"

Vikram snapped his head towards her at it.

"What did you say?"

"I said not to drag Maan in this" she said suddenly feeling stupid. "He was my boss"

"Maan who?"

"Maan Khurana, the MD of Khurana constructions"

"Oh" he said walking by without another comment.

"You're on first name basis" he remarked after a while. "I've heard he is a– how do I put it mildly– a rather intimidating king of jungle. Pray tell me how is he not frightening a mouse like you"

Geet measured her words although she has the most colorful comeback.
"I am no mouse but you sure are a wolf"

He grinned suddenly making him look a lot familiar.

"Thank you" he said with the same easy smile as they reached the metro.

"I'm going the other way. I hope you will not be stupid enough to get into trouble" he said and walked away before she could say anything.

Looking at his retreating back, she just shook her head at him. Even when he cared, he was rude. God bless his family for having to put up with him, she thought as she boarded the train to go home.

A Bend in the road - Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now