The Beach.(Natalie's narration)

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It was a chilly September evening, the sun was about to disappear in about 2-3 hours. My eyes started to feel heavy. I shut my laptop and kept staring at the ceiling. Millions of thoughts were dancing on my mind. I, at last, decided that I would NOT let my ego control my life.

While I was busy overthinking everything. My phone suddenly vibrated and I could see Marla's text. My mood got even crappier after I had to text her "no luck". Nothing was going right in my life. After a while, I decided to grab my oversized sweater and go straight ahead to Will's house on my bicycle. He was leaning in his bedroom window, reading ( probably a classic). I called him and he took quite a long time to answer my call. I told him to immidiately come down with his bicycle. He protested for a solid five minutes, but persuasion is something where I excel at so...............

He joined me looking oh-so-gorgeous. His sweatshirt, brown messy hair and chocolate brown eyes couldn't help but make me blush. He asked me-"what are you so smiling about? We just had a fight and you're asking me to have an evening walk on the beach with you ? You're impossible"

I just rolled my eyes in a deeply affectionate manner.

The weather was freezing and the chilly air made it difficult for me to properly ride my bicycle. Will stopped after like 10 minutes or so. He offered to lend his sweater and sneakily put an airpod in my cold ear.

As soon as we started pedalling again , my all time favourite song daddy issues by The NBHD started to play. We reached our destination after what felt like a 100 years . Will asked me "What now!?" I just grabbed his surprisingly warm hand. Will played "Sweather Weather" intentionally as it was my favourite song and I had told him before that it perfectly suited an evening walk on the beach.

  We  went closer to the water and Will followed. I allowed the icy water to touch my shivering numb legs. It was really getting cold now. The sun seemed distant in the horizon and the sky was grey and pinkish at the same time. Will held my hand a little tighter than before. "You and I aren't going anywhere until the sun sets" Will agreed.

                  He loved it! I could easily make out his face. He was usually hard to read but today I could almost feel his happiness. He came closer and kissed my frozen forehead. The mist, the sky, the beach, the song, Will , everything was perfect. I knew that this happiness was temporary and it will probably go away but at that point of time I ignored all of my problems. I pretended to forget everything that had happened to me in the last 3 painful years.
           The sun had almost disappeared in the horizon and the moonlight was making the water look magical! The stars were twinkling vividly. Will and I spend quite a lot of time staring at the beautiful starry night sky. I, now, could somewhat  understand why Van Gogh's painting touched so many people's hearts. I raised Will's wrist to see the  time and it was way too late!
"I think we should go, I mean if you don't want to freeze to death" Will said in a sarcastic way.

            We decided to stop at a nearby café. We shared a cappuccino and the warm bitter taste burned  my throat but that gave me comfort just like alcohol does. I recalled that  the last time I was tipsy I almost got expelled from my school! Peter saved me though, he could easily think at his feet. Even I could but I was kind of  drunk so that's kind of self explanatory. While I was sipping my  coffee, I noticed   Will  staring at me and I asked him the reason. He simply replied-" Your eyes ....They literally  look like emeralds".  I gave him a small  smile and asked him "Am I supposed to say thank you?" 

He smiled back-"your wish."

     We  left the café and and  pedalled in different directions.

   "Hey Natalie" Will called out before taking the turn." Nice walking with you..I know the last few days have been-
  " Goodnight, Will". I interrupted

"Goodnight Stewart."

I came back home with Dad baking a delecious cake.  The sweet smell of the cocoa made  my room smell like a chocolat factory. As I literally had nothing to do I just  read "The Martian" for the 40th time. Yes, I am weird don't judge.

Hey everyone ❤️❤️ As you can see this chapter is extremely short and cheesy. But I promise the following chapters are quite long and non-cliché. But anyways enjoy ❤️❤️🥳

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