🎉💖Mabel's Guide To Life!!!💖🎉

Start from the beginning

Mabel walks over to her uncle holding a list. "Grunkle Stan, on a scale of one to five, you scored a three."

"Yes!!! Yes!!!"

"This will limit your dating pool to widows, lady plumbers, and convicts."

He leaned back on his chair. "I still consider this a victory!"

She then walked over to her brother. "Dipper, your score is-... eesh!!! You know, scores don't really matter, you should just focus on being you..!"

(y/n) snickered as she held in her laughter, Dipper shooting her a glare.

Finally she walked over to Leo. "Leo, on a scale of one five, you scored-... a twelve?!?"

"Wait, for reals?!" (y/n) asked in surprise.

Leo stayed quiet for a few seconds before pulling out his sunglasses. "And that, my friends.." He gently pulled back some of Mabel's hair behind her ear. "Is how it's done."

Mabel giggled in a lovestruck manner, her cheeks burning pink. However, her eyes widened a bit as Stan grabbed Leo by his shirt, starting to drag him out. "Alright, out you go!"

"Wha- Grunkle Stan!!!"

Dipper stared in a startled silence while (y/n) laughed her guts out, Mabel jumping onto her uncle's back. "GRUNKLE STAN-"


-a cardboard cutout square that says Final Thoughts, then shows Mabel on the table again-

"Love is all around us, and if it seems that you two aren't the perfect fit, force it!!!"

Squeaks are heard from nearby, Mabel growing afraid. "Uh oh, the squirrels are back!!!"


💖Mabel's Guide To Stickers!!!💖

Mabel sitting in front of the camera that (y/n) is holding, Dipper lying on his bed and reading a book.

"Throughout history, stickers have been the backbone of many great civilizations!"

"No, they haven't."

Ignoring Dipper, she opened a history. "The ancient Greece used leaches for stickers!!! The more stickers you had the cooler you were!!!"

"Nope, not true!!! (y/n), why are you helping her?!"

"I'm not letting her use my camera without supervision." (y/n) responded, Dipper rolling his eyes.

"The ancient Aztecs chest skull was the modern equivalent to today's.." Mabel pulls out a sticker. "Orange You Happy, mon?"

"Yes, Aztec war paint was exactly like a rasta orange. Mabel, have you ever read a history book?!?"

"Edited out!!!"

-Dipper disappears-



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