Chapter 1

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‘Why is it so dark? Mama….. Papa?’ Darkness seemed to engulf the small, seven year old girl. She had no memory of how she got where she was, nor its location. “M…mama?” she said aloud this time, her voice a whisper. The girl was scared. Her body hurt all over, and it still felt like it was on fire. Why was she here? Where were her parents? She wanted to leave. Now. 

“Haruka-sama? It seems your daughter is awake, what shall we do?” said a nervous looking man. He was dressed in a lab coat and goggles that hid his identity. Of course, this was necessary in his line of work. The women named Haruka stood next to him. She was a tall, impressive scientist with glossy black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Though they were beautiful, her features were as cold as ice. 

“Ah, so she is. Good. She’ll need to be awake for the next experiment,” she calmly responded. The man looked at her in disgust. 

This women was completely dedicated to her job, even when it meant torturing her own daughter! At times like these, the scientist wondered if what he was doing was right. Staring at the latest patient, he realized that she might not survive the process. Her body had barely developed and was in a fragile state to begin with, so the chances of survival were very slim. ‘Was it worth it? We already have a specimen like this. Should I really kill this girl before she lives?’ he wondered. Thoughts began swirling in his head. 

Should he or should he not? If he didn’t, he would lose his own life for sure. The man had a family to think about. A family. That’s right. His little girl, Aurora. His own daughter with bright eyes and a happy smile. That wonderful girl who was the spitting image of his late wife….. Would he do this to his own daughter?

“Simon? What are you doing, she’s going to lose consciousness soon. Hurry and start the operation!” Haruka said impatiently. Simon looked again at the girl. She had lived her whole life in a cell, given false hopes of a bright future with the parents she adored. Now, the time had come for the final experiment. Only now, seeing her strapped to a metal table with countless tubes attached to her, he finally realized what he had done. “Oh god, oh god oh god oh god!” Simon screamed. Dropping his clipboard, he ran to the girl’s side and carefully pulled out the tubes. Haruka shrieked and grabbed him roughly. “What the hell are you doing?! Let go of my daughter!” she yelled. Simon shoved her back with surprising strength. “Your daughter?! You call her you daughter, yet do this to her?” he yelled back and yanked the final tube. He then unfastened the straps. The black-haired women snarled at him and whipped out a hidden knife.

“I expected more from you, Simon. I thought you loved your work” she accused and propelled her knife forward. Simon ducked, then kicked at her wrist. The knife slid across the metal floor. “And I thought, Hana, that you had the tiniest shred of compassion for the child you gave birth to,” he retorted, then lifted the girl gently into his arms. Hana made a dive for the communicator that was connected to everyone within the facility.

“Attention all workers! Scientist 102 has gone rogue and has a patient in his possession, capture him alive!” she announced as Simon ran through the metal doors of the laboratory. Countless halls of the underground facility whirred past the rogue doctor, seemingly endless! He turned this way at that, trying to figure a way out. Somewhere along the line, the young girl spoke from his arms. “Sir….. Where am I? This isn’t my room,” she said.

The sound of her sweet voice made the doctor pause a moment. His heart began beating loudly in his ears. She had opened her eyes, revealing the whole reason of the experiments. They were blood red with the kanji symbol “3” in the center. This represented the third realm, the reincarnation path of beasts. “Sir? Where’s Mama and Papa?” she asked ever so innocently. Simon smiled down at her as he resumed his running. “Sorry, Hime (meaning Princess in Japanese since the girl was born in Japan) but your parents are being quite bad right now. I’ll take you somewhere safe where they can’t teach you,” he said, panting. 

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