(3) Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing Ferret

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"Harry! Harry! Wait up!"

I stand up from where I was sitting and went to Harry.

"What? Here to tell me that im a cheater?"

"What? No, no. I'm here to say that im sorry that your name came up from the goblet and that I believe you and goodluck" I say out of breath.

"Oh, well thanks. It's not your fault that my name got pulled out. And it also seems that you're the only one who believes me.... and I really need to change my name.."

"That's not true, Brennon also believes you. I also have some name ideas"

"Oh, tell him I said thanks"

"Will do... Where you going anyway?"

"Black lake, im meeting up with Neville"

"Can I come?"



"Amazing! Amazing!" I laugh at Neville because he looks adorable everytime he talks about plants.

"Neville! You're doing it!" Harry tells him frustrated.

"Oh, right sorry" Neville apologies.

"Don't listen to him Neville, I find it cute"

"Thanks Ash" Neville blushes.

"Magical water plants of the Highland Lochs?" Harry reads from the book Neville gave him.

"Moody gave it to me. The day we had tea" Neville said.

Neville looks up from Harry and waves. I see Hermione Ron and Ginny coming towards us.

"We've already been through enough people why don't you just go and do it yourself? Ughh. What do you want me to say again?" Hermione whispers to Ron.

Ron whispers some words to Hermione. It's clear Ron and Harry are not on speaking terms.

Hermione walks up to Harry.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you"

"Is that right? Well... what?"

Seriously? They could've just told Harry that Hagrid was looking for him, and how did not Harry get that?

"Uhh.." Hermione walks back to Ron for more whispering then she walks back to Harry.

"Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't nake me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ronald-"

"I'm NOT an owl!"

Harry gets cut off by Hermione yelling at him for apparently not being an owl. Then why the hell would she carry a message from Ron to Harry but not Harry to Ron?

Honestly woman make up your mind.


It was the next day, I was walking alone since Brennon was at the library reading poems for some inspiration for his new song.

I see people wearing some Potter Stinks badge. Probably Malfoy's doing, bloody git.

"Cedric rules" I hear some kid yell at someone, and that someone was Harry. Perfect.

"Thanks" Harry retorted and I stiffle a laugh as I went over to him.

"I'm going to kill whoever made these badges" I say to Harry.

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