(9) Ron stop being an Idiot!

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"Alright thank you! I hope you guys enjoyed Checkmate, my bestfriend actually helped me write that song im sure you guys know who she is Ashley I love you!!" Brennon tells the crowd after he sings his beautiful song and the crowd goes wild.


"Here is another one of my songs called Little League."


After dancing with Malfoy, Krum and Hermione. The boys decided to get us drinks so Hermione and I went to find Harry and Ron.

They were sitting down looking miserable with their dates.

I knew that that was a bad idea.

"What happend to you lot? You guys looks miserable." I say.

"Hot isn't it? Malfoy Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?" Hermione tells them.

"No, we'd not care to join you, Viktor and Malfoy." Ron says, grumpily. 

"What's got your wand in a knot?" I say.

"He's a Durmstrang, and Malfoy is literally the person who bullies us! You're fraternizing with the enemy."

"The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends." Hermione scoffs.

Oh boy here we go again.

"Hrmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind." Ron mutters.

Hermione looks like she was gonna say something back but decided against it and walked off.

"Just because you're miserable doesn't give you the right to make others feel the same way as you do to make yourself feel better. Don't be a jealous git just because you didn't ask Hermione first, don't ruin this for her or I swear to Merlin I will kill you." I tell him.

"Whatever.. why are you with Malfoy? You hate him!"

"We accidentally came here together and don't ask me how, and yes I may hate him but he's nice enough to put aside our feud and decided to be a gentleman and make tonight one of the best nights of my life unlike you two who's sitting here like a pair of pigs when the two girls who you guys asked to be your date are waiting for you to ask them to dance!" I scoff and walked away.

I see Malfoy holding two cups and looking over the sea of people looking for me so I walked over to him until he finally sees me.

"There you are, here's your drink."

"Thanks." I take the cup out of his hand and chugged it down.

"You ok? You look a bit flustered."

"Yeah sorry, Ron is being an idiot again."

"Don't worry about it, Weasley has always been an idiot." He laughs and I join in.

"You're not wrong about that." I chuckle.


The night is coming to an end.

Most people are gone and have come back to their common rooms.

Malfoy and I are slow dancing.

Weird right? Even im shocked. I could feel heat coming to my face.

I probably look like a tomato right now.

"You know I never really gave you a proper compliment earlier."

I look up to see Malfoy looking down at me smiling shyly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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