8. New Zealand

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"Oh my god, Joonie", Jungkook says dreamily once they reach Eagles Nest, one of the most famous hotels in Russell. Its beautiful, nothing like Jungkook has ever seen. He feels like he could be floating between the stars right now.

Namjoon appears after him from their hotel room after settling their stuff inside. He smiles when he hears Jungkook. "It's pretty, right?", he asks. Jungkook stares at him in disbelief. "Pretty? This is literally heaven!", he exclaims, opening his arms as if wanting the beauty to embrace him.

Namjoon laughs and shakes his head, endeared. "You've seen nothing yet", he offers with a teasing smirk. Jungkook turns to him with wide eyes. "There's more?! What the fuck!? You never told me you were rich rich!", he says, gesturing vaguely.

"Well, your brother is also very rich. You didn't see me complaining about that", Namjoon teases. Jungkook whines. "Hey! I'm not complaining! I was just surprised", he says with a pout. "Okay, okay", namjoon agrees with a fond chuckle.

"Let's go to the pool, first", he says excitedly, locking the door behind him. Jungkook just nods with big eyes, too amazed to protest. Namjoon grabs his arm and pulls the younger with him, going straight towards the pool area.

Its not holiday season so there are very less people around. They can still use the pool, though. Namjoon had made sure to make VIP bookings. He only wants Jungkook to have the best.

This is so big!", Jungkook squeals beside him, eyeing the large pool and resting area. Two of the hotel staffs come to them with bright smiles, a tray of expensive looking flutes and a big champagne bottle in their hands.

"Would you like to use the pool right now?", one of the staff questions, voice thick with Maori accent even as he speaks English. Namjoon smiles and nods while Jungkook stares dumbly, confused.

"Yeah, that'd be good. Thank you", Namjoon replies. "Enjoy your evening", the other staff says, winking at Namjoon. He blushes deeply when he realizes what the staff must be thinking. He doesn't bother correcting him, though. Why? Well, he has no idea.

"We will. Thank you for your services", he says and sends them off. Jungkook smiles happily, relief washing over him as they are left alone. He's not very good with people. Especially with the ones who can't speak Korean.

"Should we go into the pool now?", Jungkook asks. Namjoon sets the bottle of champagne on the floor and starts removing his shirt. Jungkook's eyes widen in horror.

"Wait! What are you doing?", he asks, panicked. Namjoon rolls his eyes and smooths down his shirt from he had it bunched over his chest. "How else are we supposed to go into the water, silly?"

Jungkook immediately flushes red. That completely slipped out of his mind. "Y-Yeah, right", he stutters and watches shyly as Namjoon pulls his shirt over his head, letting his bare torso out in the cool breeze.

Jungkook can't get himself to look away as Namjoon steps inside the water, tanned legs looking beautifully golden under the dim lights. He goes under the water for a minute before taking his head out, running his fingers through his now damp head.


Namjoon's voice snaps him out of his thoughts. His cheeks burn a deep shade of red. Stop it, Jungkook! He's your friend! He scolds himself. He isn't supposed to check out his best friend.

He nods timidly and removes his tee and track pants so that his upper torso is completely bare and he's just in his shorts. He feels a little self conscious and hides his body with his arms, shivering a little as a particular chilly breeze passes by him.

"Hey, come on!", Namjoon encourages from the water, smile big and bright.

Jungkook listens to him and starts walking down the sundeck, gingerly taking each one of his steps. But just as he keeps his right foot on the last platform, he slips.

It happens in slow motion as namjoon launches himself towards the younger and wraps an arm around his waist protectively, the other going to hold his back.

When jungkook finally comes to his senses, he realizes just how close they are. His and Namjoon's bare chests are stuck flush together. Namjoon has a bruising grip on his hip and his warm breath is fanning Jungkook's neck, making him shiver.
This is wrong.

He says to himself and quickly starts apologizing. "I'm so sorry---", he starts but in a frantic effort of trying to effectively untangle himself from Namjoon's hold, Jungkook ends up slipping for the second time that evening.

Once again, Namjoon wastes no time catching him in his arms but because of Jungkook's forceful grip on his shoulder, he loses all his balance this time and his plump lips come crashing down onto Jungkook's thinner ones.

Their eyes widen comically as they stare at each other in shock. What the actual fuck?! Jungkook can't bring himself to detach his lips from Namjoon's even if he wants to. He knows he should, though.

Its only when Namjoon stumbles a bit that they realize that they shouldn't be doing this. They shouldn't be kissing like this. Jungkook lightly pushes at Namjoon's chest and the elder looks at him with wide eyes.

They stare in silence for a second or two before Namjoon starts speaking. "I'm so sorry, kookie. I didn't mean. I swear I had no intention to.... you know", he gestures vaguely, cheeks dusting pink with embarrassment.

Jungkook, on the other hand, just stares in complete shock. He can't bring himself to say anything or even apologize.

Because, how are you supposed to tell your brand new best friend that you liked kissing them?

Because, how are you supposed to tell your brand new best friend that you liked kissing them?

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