2. Wishes

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"Hey, do you want popcorn?", namjoon asks from the kitchen. "Sure!", jungkook shouts loudly. He sounds distracted. Namjoon chuckles, shaking his head. Jungkook's been playing the same game for three hours now.

"Okay, that's enough", Namjoon announces and removes the plug from the socket. "No!", Jungkook screams loudly just as the screen goes black.

"Oh my god, why would you do that? I was so close!", jungkook exclaims, slumping onto the couch he was previously standing on. Namjoon blinks. "Doesn't it save automatically?", he asks dumbly.

"No", jungkook huffs, throwimg the Wii controller to the side, not very harshly though. "I hate you. You're so mean", he whines, tears springing into his big eyes.

Namjoon sighs. He didn't think jungkook would start crying because he didn't get to finish a game. "I'm sorry. I didn't know", he apologizes quickly and sits down beside jungkook on the couch.

"Go away", jungkook scoffs, turning his back to namjoon. It has been a week since they became friends and now they were almost inseparable. They had decided to have a night in and watch a few movies in Jungkook's apartment. Unfortunately, jungkook had decided he would rather play a stupid game instead.

"Jungkook", namjoon sighs again. The younger is being childish now. "I don't wanna talk to you", jungkook says sternly, still not looking at namjoon.

"Okay, then. I'll just go back to my place, then. Have fun", namjoon says bitterly and stands up, huffing as he puts his jacket back on. He knows he's being irrational and immature but jungkook is being too difficult for no reason.

"Fine, then. Go away. And don't bother coming back", jungkook bites back, immediately regretting as soon as the words leave his mouth. He looks up at namjoon who's wearing a hurt expression on his face.

Jungkook isn't one to step down or apologize first, though. Namjoon is in the wrong. Hence, he huffs and turns back around, ignoring the pain in his chest. The fuck? Him and namjoon aren't even that close but it hurts more than anything to see him go.

Just as he's busy with his thoughts, he hears a loud thud, followed by a groan. His head snaps back and he gasps, eyes going wide when he sees namjoon lying on the floor. Jungkook's small book shelf is also on the ground, the few books he has now scattered on the ground.

Quickly, he stands up and rushes towards the doorway of his apartment. "Oh my god, are you okay?", he asks worriedly. Namjoon doesn't respond coherently, just grumbles like an angry cat.

"Joonie?", he tries again, still no answer. "Joo--- oh my god. You're bleeding!", he gasps, eyes still situated at Namjoon's bloody forehead. "I-I'm fine", namjoon suddenly says, choking up a bit.

"No, you're not", jungkook says angrily and helps namjoon sit up, back pressed to the wall. "Stay here. I'll bring my first aid kit", jungkook says, eyebrows creasing with concern.

Namjoon tries to stop him but he's already gone. He presses his palm flat to his forehead, wincing at the dull ache. When he brings his hand back down, a gasp leaves his mouth at the amount of blood that has flown.

"Fuck", he curses. Just as he's about to call for jungkook, his eyes land on a particularly colorful book. Being the curious person that he is, he picks it up with his left hand, slowly eyeing the cover.

Namjoon knows he shouldn't be skimming through someone's things without their permission but he's curious. He can let himself forget his morals for today.

Keeping that thought in mind, he opens. In the first few pages, there's nothing much. Just a few doodles and a few writings here and there. It doesn't really catch his interest. He's about to keep the book down when he comes across a special page, different from all the others.

Its decorated with the paintings of blue and white roses and---


Jungkook's voice startles him and the diary falls out of his hand. He gives jungkook a sheepish smile. The younger just clicks his tongue and frowns in response.

"You shouldn't touch other's things without asking", he scolds. However, there's no bite in his words this time. "I know. Sorry, I was just curious", namjoon apologizes, ashamed of his actions.

Jungkook smiles sweetly. "It's fine", he says and settles the box beside him as he crouches down to sit cross legged in front of namjoon. "Also, you really don't wanna read that. Its cringe worthy", jungkook says and immediately flushes.

Namjoon nods slowly, not sure what Jungkook's trying to hide. "Why? What's in there?", he asks cautiously. If jungkook doesn't want to tell him, he'll respect that.

Jungkook sighs as he presses the cotton to namjoon's forehead, earning a hiss. "My bucket list", he says. His hand moves slowly over the wound and he thoroughly cleans it up.

"Oh?", namjoon perks up in interest. "What's there to be embarrassed about then?", he furrows his brows, clearly not understanding why someone's bucket list would make them cringe.

"It's just...", jungkook trails off, sticking the bandage securely in place. Namjoon squeezes his knee. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to", he says softly.

"It's not too cliche. I just think... I think its selfish, Joonie. I wrote it when I first found out I had cancer", jungkook replies, sighing heavily. "Bunny, listen to me", namjoon whispers and cups Jungkook's face in his.

"Whatever it is you wish to do. It can never be selfish. You have every right to dream", he assures, caressing his cheek bones. "I'm not allowed to dream, Joonie", jungkook whispers back, voice so small that it hurts Namjoon's heart.

"Don't say that", namjoon chokes out, he wants to cry. "Do you--- Do you wanna read it?", jungkook asks suddenly. Namjoon blinks. "If you'd let me", he says.

Jungkook nods, his big eyes staring right into Namjoon's soul. Then, he slowly moves Namjoon's hands from his face and reaches for the book, handing it to namjoon.

Namjoon reads it, a small smile playing on his lips. "This is so sweet, bunny. Don't you wanna fulfil all of these wishes?", he asks.
"I do. I really do. I just don't wanna go alone. I could ask my hyungs to come with me but i haven't told them about... you know", jungkook hesitates.

Namjoon nods, ruffling Jungkook's hair in order to calm him down. He does know. He really wants to ask why he hasn't told them but he decides that's for another day.

For now, he knows what needs to be done.

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