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I can hear him calling me , but I'm stuck . I can feel the excruciating pain ripping through my bones.
I can't take it any more.


his voice holding the desperation . He needs me but I can feel it pulling me apart from him .

And I'm asking myself was it really a good decision ? Did I make the right choice when I can't even hold him now .


And then it happened .

His eyes loosing the warmth in them turning into red .
His roar ripping through the building shattering every glass window surrounding us . This place was a battlefield now .

" We are losing him, dad !
Do something !"

Now everything is gone . Why did I do that ... Why ....?

“Strings pulling towards you”

People always say that life can be a bitch sometimes.
But we have to live it by kicking those bitches and killing them with our kindness.
This is one of the many things Mother Shali taught me . She is the one person I have , my guardian , my friend , mother, everything .

I can't imagine how my life would have been if she didn't took me in her life .

I don't know where my parents are or if they are alive or not. Mother Shali found me in front of her house/ orphanage when I was barely 6 months old .

She raised me giving all of her love and care
and now who I am or where I am right now is everything for that one person.

You see I'm not that simple. The word simple or normal is kind of apart from what I am .
As mother Shali says an 'angel' in her word.
But am I really ? I don't know .
It's complicated actually . I'm really happy that she doesn't freak out after knowing everything about me , my not so normal self.

I can heal living things . Any thing and it can be a little cut to a big wound . And this is what I'm talking about . I know it sounds super cool but believe me it's not that simple. sometimes I will feel these strange things which makes me unable to control it . I won't be able to do anything if that happens and the frequent nightmares are now literally normal for me .
I never tried it on humans but little animals though . I don't know if it will work or not but it just doesn't feel right whenever I tried it on mother Shali when she was in pain . It didn't work either .

When I first come to know about that , I was scared . And how can a little girl handle something like that ?... It was tough for little me to understand and keep it a secret from everyone .

This world is cruel , it can't take anything slightly apart from their so-called normal so I always needed to be careful .
I was 5 or 6 maybe when I first rescued a little bird unknowingly . I clearly remembered it , It just heals after I touched it thinking if I could somehow save it . It was magical for me and mysterious as well , but it also took my strength . I was passed out for 4 hours straight after that .
So yes , It's complicated.
Whenever I used my healing powers it will make me very weak.

When Mother Shali found out that I was able to do something like that she Was speechless. But she accepted me and help me to understand it better .

I don't know what I am or why I have this kind of power ? I don't even have my real identity but thanks to this lady that now I have one . A name and a place to call home .
One thing that she always tells me is that , in this word , everything has a purpose.
There is always a reason behind everything that happens.

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