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Hey it's me your author again back with another chapter .
So Enjoy and don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE 🌟


So here we have another important character . Which is......

 Which is

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Jeon Joseph

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Jeon Joseph.

Biological son of Mr. jeon.
Aurther's older brother.
For everyone he is the
Owner of the biggest Bodyguard company in south korea .
But -
He is the king of the Dragons .
A Pure Blood Dragon shifter .
Married to his Mate johana .

So Dragon shifters are basically half human and half Dragon . In here he posses the power of super strength , have super speed . His eye changes into golden when he is on his Dragon form . Being the king his Dragon "Fire" is the most powerful with golden brown scales which acts like a shild for him.

He can mind link with his whole kingdom and it doesn't matter where he is . Being the king of them he can control everything .


Author's pov;

" Dad you know we don't have any other option but to do it ."
Joseph tried to make his dad understand that the situation is now getting out of their hand .

"But did you tell Arther anything ?"
his dad asked .

He also knows that they have to talk to Arther about it , and soon . And before that he needs to inform the king . Mr. Jeon is not a fool to make any decisions by himself . He knows the consequences very well . Arther is just his responsibility until the king claims to take him back . Back to where he truly belongs . Which he has been trained and built for. He has always hoped that this day would never come but he knows it is his responsibility towards his kingdom .

Unexpected - The Enigma.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora