Chapter -29

12 3 8

*not edited .

Author's pov;-

" Dad he's here ." Joseph informed his father when he was talking to Vinceno and one of his council members.

" Oh that's wonderful. Bring him in ." Vinceno said .

Behind Joseph came a man , a very tall and handsome looking young man . It seems he is in his mid twenties by the look of his defined build . He smiled and politely greeted the group of elders.

" Dad , Uncle, He is Alessandro Signore , a very good friend of mine from the northern regions." Joseph introduced his friend .

" Very nice to meet you young man. " Joseph's father shook hands with him .

" He is the one I was talking about. " Joseph said further and they understood what he was talking about.

" So very nice of you to help us Mr . Signore . I hope with your help we will solve the problem very soon ."

" The pleasure is all mine Your highness . I apologize for the lateness .
I am happy that I can help my people in this crucial times . Joseph and I , we have been in touch for a long time and when he shared this problem with me I was thrilled to know that I can help.
I am willing to help you in any way possible. " the man said with his thick Italian accent in his voice . The way he speaks and has dressed, it reflects that the man belongs to the upper class nobel family.

" That's very good.
Joseph , where in Arther ? He should also meet our special guest." Vinceno said .

" He must be with his mate " Joseph informed.

" Okay . As now you are already here Mr Signora so I suppose you will be staying with us for some days ? You can meet our new king as well. You are most welcome in our home." Vinceno kindly offered .

This person is going to be someone who will help them in their search for a very important artifact . Better to keep him in front of their eyes he thought.

Vinceno just can't trust him so easily. Although Joseph has informed him everything but this man but he still needs to be cautious around new people.

" Thank you for your humble request your highness . But I will be staying with my mother in our old home . " Alessandro said , refusing the offer .

They all exchange some more talks and everyone got to know that although he's been brought up in Italy with his father but his mother is from here . Currently Joseph and Alessandro are taking the task in hand to go and scarce for a certain weapon, a sacred weapon that is needed to be rescued. He has good encounters with the Vikings where it's currently been possessed . Him being also a dragon shifter and coming off from a wealthy family it wasn't so surprising for them to comprehend this newfound knowledge about this man.

They enjoyed their dinner as their conversation went from their new found knowledge about the Northern region to the state matters of the human world.


( At the same moment away from the crowds , somewhere in the upper floors. Specifically in Anaya's room .)
Mature content ahead 🔞

Anaya lost her mind , his tongue dominating hers . She willingly gave in .
Gave in to this thrilling desire . Who wes there to know, to care , but the two of them in the dimly lit room and the storm ? When did it start ?

Her blood pounded in her veins as hard as the winds outside. She tried to hold him , something as it was feeling like she would fade away any moment. But he was holding her hands in one grip and his other slowly trailed down her curves . It wasn't enough though. He needed to feel her warm skin beneath his hand , without any barriers in between.

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