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My Bloody Valentine


I was in the middle of punching the Everlast bag as hard as I could, just as Elijah had instructed me when we were together since he kept one in his house, Milan was watching me with a concerned look, I could tell through the mirrors as Elijah stood next to her. "How bad is it today?" He asked her, the music was loud but I could hear them. "She's got Machine Gun Kelly tracks on repeat and signed up for free kickboxing and Tae Bo this morning." Elijah must've had a facial reaction, because Milan replied that it had been the same reaction she had. "I. Can. Fucking. Hear. You!" I yelled in syllables over Machine Gun Kelly's My Bloody Valentine, the raspy aggression of his voice was perfect for all the anger I carried.

"Faith, chica." She walked up to the radio and lowered the volume, I walked right back up to it and turned it up again giving her a death stare. "I think you need to calm down." Milan said. "Or take a Xanax, it works just as well." Elijah said making me throw my right glove at him which he successfully dodged. "Don't mess with me." I threatened an intimidated Elijah by pointing a finger at him, E was now working at the gym with us, our linguistics dreams would have to wait since they required experience to work in our field, we both decided that we wouldn't do internships until we had a stable amount of money saved up, and HitZone was paying the bills for now.

Elijah turned down the music again and walked closer to me, no longer scared that I might hurt him. "Trust me babe, neither of us want to mess with you, but at this point you're scaring the guests." He said making me throw the second glove at him, he caught it this time. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor unwrapping my hands, I looked at my knuckles and they were red. He handed me both of my gloves and sat down next to me. "I never thought I'd say this, but maybe you should talk to him." But that was just it, I was sick of talking, talking got me nowhere but hurt and I was very much done with being hurt.

"I don't want to talk, and if he shows up here, I'll gladly welcome him with my fists." I gave Elijah a fake smile and got up after resting, picking up the endurance ropes and swinging my arms into movement to get my heart pumping and my blood racing Elijah gave me one last look and took Milan to the front desk with him, Milan gave me a sad stare as they walked away. I wrapped my hands in boxing tape again and proceeded to attack the speed bag next to the punching bag as Machine Gun Kelly ripped Eminem a new one in Rap Devil.

After my workout and the start of my shift I was full of adrenaline, but Milan and Elijah's sad looks tormented me, after the break up, for some reason Elijah and I grew much more closer than we were originally, I had two best friends again, as did Milan and Elijah I noticed that their differences were only because he and I were dating, they still had their fake rivalry going, but it was all entertainment.

"Why are you still so weak? Our best friend is in there going all Rocky Balboa on the punching bags and all you can tell her is that she needs to talk to him? She doesn't want to talk to him Eli." I heard them bicker about the conversation we had in the morning as I passed the front desk, "That's enough you two, stop fighting over what I need to do or say." I got them to settle down and the shift went by as normal.

For the next week I fought hard with my demons, because half of me wanted to talk, reason things, but every time I closed my eyes all I saw was a gorgeous blonde in Jax's t-shirt, a massive fucking ring on her finger and that condescending tone that made me feel like a fool for ever believing a word Jax said to me and all the bullshit he spewed to get me back, but then again, why? Why go through so much effort, so much hard work into proving he'd changed better yet, why would he encourage my break up with Elijah if he was double timing the both of us, more importantly, what kind of woman would stay with a man after knowing he's cheated. It just didn't make any kind of sense, I was in my pajamas and a high bun when a text came through.

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