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Missing Pieces


I shifted my body slightly, I was awake but I really didn't wanna be, only because it meant I had to get the hell up and face the day, clearly I wasn't in the mood. I was midway through a yawn when I realized I was trapped by a strong set of arms that held me hostage, I let my sleepy eyes slowly allow things to come into focus as I caressed Elijah's skin from his wrist to his forearm where his tattoo was, the soft groan emanating from him let me know he might've been close to waking up. I gave up on trying to get some more sleep and rubbed my eyes to take in my surroundings, subtle sun rays filtered through the sides of my black out curtains, the record player had obviously stopped playing, our sexual feat the night before left me way too tired to get up and turn it off, so the record spun around the base lazily while no needle touched it.

I smiled to myself when I carefully turned around and looked at how peaceful Elijah's face was as he slept, I could never get him to sleep this soundly in his own house, it was the weirdest thing, I think it probably had a lot to do with his parents and the unnecessary tension they made him feel. I kissed his forehead and his cheek endearingly as I unwrapped myself carefully from his warm embrace, I went down to the kitchen after swaddling myself up in a robe, I glanced at the time, it was early enough for my sister and River to be asleep, but they'd soon scatter the kitchen to make coffee, so I set the coffee maker to brew enough coffee for everyone in the house.

After making two cups for myself and E, I hurried into the room and tempted the sleeping man in my bed with the aroma arising from the mug, his brown eyes sprung open. "You sure know how to make a guy keep falling in love with you, huh?" He mumbled in a deep groggy voice that did things to my insides. He sipped his coffee contently. "I don't want to take this test." I said bringing my knees into my chest as I sat facing him, Elijah was worthy of envy when it came to tests, his confidence just never faltered when it came to them. "Stop stressing it babe, you're ready... It's not the time to second guess yourself, you're gonna crush it, I just know it." He advised as he stroked the back of my hand with a warm index finger. "That's easy for you to say you're a damn genius." I retorted. "You say that like you didn't score higher than me on our finals last year." He cocked a brow making me reconsider his objection to my lack of confidence.

By the time we were done with our coffee Elijah had time to shower and slip into a pair of his sweats and a hoodie —out of a million— that I had stashed in my closet, if you're not stealing your boyfriend's clothes then what the hell are you doing? "You're bringing those back, right?" I asked making it clear he was no longer the owner of his own clothing, he laughed and scoffed, giving me a kiss. "I'm merely requesting permission to borrow my own clothes your grace." I arched a brow. "I'm serious, those are my favorite..." I whined and pouted. "Promise you'll bring them back." I begged him with my eyes as he shook his head. "You're really serious, huh?" I nodded. "As a heart attack..." I assured him. 

He leaned into me again pecking my lips. "I promise, they'll be back in your closet where they belong, nice and washed." He winked at me as he gathered the books that remained at the side of my bed. "Awesome sauce..." I said smiling as he pulled me off the bed and wrapped me in his arms hugging me tight. "I'll see you later, yes?" He picked up my chin kissing my lips fully, his tongue asking for entrance, I let it play with mine until he sucked on my bottom lip as he pulled back. Sweet Jesus he was a good kisser. "I love you."

He muttered onto my lips. "I love you too..." I smiled pecking him one last time before he headed out. I faintly heard him socialize with River and Logan, I went downstairs in time to watch him pull out of my driveway and wave him goodbye, I sauntered back to my room, showered and changed in time to hear Motley Crüe clamoring from River's paint room letting everyone know she was in her painting version of nirvana, as usual, I laughed to myself realizing that things changed yet somehow stayed the same.

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