
192 22 14

Recurring Dreams


I sighed waiting on the automated gate to lift before I slid unwillingly between the glass doors of the gym. My body was at work, but my mind wandered endlessly, patrons spoke to me and my answers were monotone, unflavored, it took two cans of Redbull and a sermon from Millie to get me going, or at least pretend to function properly, so far I was doing great, externally.

After yet another stressful day, Elijah called me to let me know he'd be coming over to my house, he determined that spending the night with me, instead of his parent-infested apartment was the latter, I picked up some food on the way back home, since my sister would be working late and dinner did not work out for River, the girl was a disaster in the kitchen. I laughed to myself thinking of the multiple attempts River made at cooking that ended up in take-out.

Pulling into my driveway, Elijah was sitting on the ledge of my porch, a duffel bag strapped around his upper body. I smiled as I got out of my car and kissed him softly, his hands squeezing my ass firmly as we kissed, "Thanks for letting me stay over." He said when we finally pulled away from each other, we walked into the living room. I proceeded to remind him that as my boyfriend he was welcome to stay over as many times as he thought necessary.

Back in my room, Elijah and I were knees deep in mindless conversation, I watched him intently from my bed and cocked my head to the side slightly as he removed his shirt and placed it on the headrest of my desk chair, I noticed a few scratches scattered around his shoulder blades. I must've caused the damage last night while we sexed each other up. "Those must sting when you shower..." I teased, I saw him smirk and reach for the back of his shoulder. He sat on my desk chair and motioned me over.

I sat carefully on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry if I sound a little Fifty shades here, but a few scratches are nothing compared to the things I've thought about doing to you, mark me up all you want Fae, I'm very much yours." His pointer finger traced my jaw and kisses quickly trailed the areas he'd just touched on my face, my skin tingled under his soft touch, he definitely knew how to get me going. "Noted. I'll be sure to remember that when I decide to make a Picasso on your back with my nails." I shot back feeling brave.

"I think it's sexy, further proves the sex is good, at least... Right?" He said winking at me making me blush as I agreed. "Besides." He paused. "You take my pain quite well..." He smirked as his brow shot up, I knew exactly what he meant. "Your ego is annoying Elijah Alexander..." I teased laughing, but in the back of my mind, I knew he was right, the man knew his way around a female's body.

Elijah and I had a slightly aggressive way of having sex, I can suitably say there's a world of difference between making love and fucking, as broken as Elijah and I were it made sense for us to tear each other to shreds in bed, on the outside we were seemingly fine, anyone could assume our lives were perfect, but boy would they be wrong.

He was broken because the people that were supposed to teach him the basic principles of love, compassion and understanding were never around, the lack of parental guidance took a toll on E, resulting in his string of unstable relationships, aside from myself, I don't think I'd ever witnessed him in a meaningful relationship, they were just excuses not to be alone. He could've grown up to be a serious asshole but, his sense of empathy, sympathy and capacity to love was intact.

The past women in his life got lucky in that aspect, they didn't have to deal with a fuck boy leading them on, even if the relationship was short or headed nowhere, Elijah was the perfect gentleman, yet in the bedroom, there was collective pent up rage and it showed in our sexual feats, not that I minded the aggressiveness, as bad as my body wanted it I think I needed it.

Breaking the Habits | Herophine #2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz