Motivational Words and Splatting Sounds

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Last time on Total Drama Redemption; the teams were divided within themselves once again for a challenge of epic porportions! Get it? Because you have potions of food? Whatever. Anyways, Dylan and Jesús couldn't keep their cool while working as partners, and the two ended up ruining their team's chances of even having a judge-worthy plate at the end. At the elimination ceremony the Tires ultimately stuck strong to their alliance of four, and Jesús was sent home. However, the burrito loving boy did have some choice words to say before he was flung from the island. Could he really have been talking about Dylan? Find out who goes gone this time on TOTAL DRAMA REDEMPTION!

*cue theme song*

Dylan cautiously looked around the cabin. Luckily for him his cabin mates were still sound asleep, and he could easily slip from the wooden structure unnoticed. He quietly cured Jesús ability to figure out his game plan, but he couldn't help but secretly admire the other boy. Perhaps he would have brought him along toward the end if Jesús hadn't attempted to blow his cover. He crept quietly toward the Maniacal Falcon's cabin and gently tapped on the window.

Skilar's eyes jolted open as she felt somebody's hands on her arm and covering her mouth. She looked around for her captor, but rolled her eyes when she realized it was Felix.

Felix groaned and let go of Skilar's arm and mouth when he knew she wouldn't scream. He grimly nodded, and walked from the cabin. The two had discussed this plan, although they weren't the best of friends, and they both believed it was for the best.

"What are you thinking of?" Dylan asked in a hushed whisper. The boy's eyes glinted in excitement as he looked at the other two campers.

Skilar knew nothing of the boy from the Squelching Tires. In fact, the only thing she knew about him was that his name was Dylan. She didn't bother herself with the ridiculous interactions of both the Tire and Balloon teams, as she found them to be pathetic. The brunette boy slurred his words due to excitement as she watched with feigned interest through her glazed eyes. She would rather be sleeping.

Felix used all of his self-control to not start laughing in the eager boy's face. He knew that Dylan was biting off way more than he could chew, but he also acknowledged that having Dylan on his side would make getting rid of certain factors much easier. He had no intentions on actually taking Dylan to the end, like he promised him, but he definitely needed to keep the other boy off of his tail. The story was similar with Skilar, but he couldn't exactly explain why he thought taking her to the end would be reasonable. He shrugged off the thought and turned back toward Dylan.

"Plan?" Felix chuckled quietly. "Let's get something through your thick little head boy; you have nothing to worry about until we merge. However, I do suggest getting rid of that little lap dog who seems to hang on your every word."

"Melissa?" Dylan scoffed. "She's nothing but another girl who I've been unfortunate to gather the attention of over the past few years. Those girls who think you like them annoy me the most."

Skilar's eyebrow lifted in interest. She had talked to Nichole in passing ever since the fear challenge, and she had begun to like the girl. Her heart went out to the girl when she realized that Dylan was not only talking about party girl Melissa, but also about Nichole. She made a mental note to talk to Nichole about the boy, even though she knew that the girl was still terrified about talking about the situation.

"Hmm. Then I suggest you get rid of her." Felix's mouth twisted into a devilish smirk. "That is, since you don't care for her like you pretend to."

"Certainly." Dylan grinned.


The brunette smacks himself in the head. "I know that those two want me to knock off my own alliance so it will make me weak. I'm definitely not doing anything of the sort."

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