Hide and Don't Die- Part Two!

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Leila watched Kobi run by from her spot in the tree. She looked at Josh and Melissa nervously, and was relieved when the two shared her expression. Why would Kobi be that desperate to get back to the cabins? "Is something wrong?" Leila asked Josh, who had climbed up the tree to get a better look of the area Kobi had just ran from.

"I don't know why Kobi would be running back toward Chris. He should be going the opposite way, right?"

"I can't see anything except for a tinge of smoke leftover from Flint's fire earlier. Maybe he's just trying to find a new spot or something." Josh responded.

"He looked petrified." Mel said, "It couldn't have been just trying to find a new spot. He would have been stealthier if that was his goal."

"Should we follow him?" Leila asked.

"No. It could be a trap for people to find us and get us out. Just chill up here, and if more people come running then we'll join them." Josh decided.

Kim watched the boy run by her hiding spot, the blue and pink highlights in his hair blurred by the sped of his movement. She peered out from behind the large rock and stared after him in worry.

"Whoa Kobi. Wait up!" Jesús burst from his hiding spot and sprinted alongside the desperate boy. "What's wrong?"

Kobi just shook his head and continued to run. He was not going to let Flint burn down the island and kill everybody.

"Well I'm going with you even though we aren't on the same team." The small boy assured him and continued running with him.

Dylan heard pounding from behind his back. He looked over his shoulder nervously and saw the bodies of Jesús and Kobi sprinting toward him rapidly. Quickly, the boy grabbed onto a branch above his head and clung onto it. He had just found to people on another team, but he was pretty sure that wasn't important now. He ran after the other two.

Ben sat down on a rock and held his head. He had a headache, but that was strange. He never got headaches unless there was smoke anywhere, and Chef had definitely put out the fire already. He groaned and closed his eyes, the pain was unbearable.

"Ugh. This is so weird. I've never had a headache this bad." He rubs his forehead gently.

Flint had his lighter opened and had begun dragging it along the grass at the bases of the trees. He started chuckling as the fire jumped up the large brown trunks and into the branches with their overflowing leaves. He was close to the mansion now, and he was prepared to ready himself to get off the island.

Violet walked toward the source of the fire, concerned that people could be trapped back there. She rounded a corner and saw the large orange and red plumes jolting into the air. She had no clue how the fire had started, but she was worried about her fellow teammates. She worriedly looked into the mass of smoke for a sign of any teammates. She gasped when she saw a shiny band sitting next to a bush. She immediately recognized it as Charlie's. She ran toward the bush and looked behind it. Her eyes widened in horror and she screamed.

Brian heard the ear piercing scream and looked toward Alli. The two had hidden in a cave toward the middle of the island and had been watching the growing smoke come closer. He didn't know if the fire was supposed to be a trap or not so he and Alli had decided to camp out until it came too close.

"I definitely don't think it's a trap anymore." Alli worriedly looked out, "Do you think we should go help them?"

Brian nodded and headed out of the cave, beckoning for Alli to follow him. He wasn't the nature guy for nothing.

Kobi had collapsed at Chris' feet by the time Skilar found her way to the cabins. Dylan and Jesús nervously stood on the outside of the circle. She had no clue what Kobi was so frightened about, but she knew it was important.

"You're meaning to tell me that Flint is on his way to my mansion, and he's going to burn it down?" Chris questioned.

Kobi gasped and nodded, "and... It's... filled with... explosives."

Dylan and Jesús looked toward each other nervously. "So what are we doing?" Jesús asked.

Chris grabbed his phone and frantically dialed a number. "Chef? Get to my mansion now and stop that kid. I don't care what you do. He's going to light my mansion on fire."

"And kill us!" Dylan shouted.

Violet didn't know what she should do, but looking down at the bodies of her teammates she knew she had two choices. Leave them there or take them with her. Her only problem was the fact that she couldn't carry both of them at the same time and outrun the advancing fire. She needed help.

Brian sprinted through the forest, following the smoke. He found Violet and ran toward her, nodding when he saw Abigail and Charlie.

Flint stood transfixed as he held he lighter in his hand that would end the competition and any future ones for good. He suddenly felt his feet swept up from underneath him and looked around. He was in a net.

"Going somewhere maggot?" Chef grumbled, the net in his hand.

"I uh-- I'm here to stop the fire." Flint cheekily smiled, accidentally holding up his lighter.


"And the marshmallows for today go to Dylan, Melissa, Josh, Leila, Kim, Jesús, Ashley, Riley, Ben, Kobi, Alli, Brian, Nichole, Felix, Flando, Red, Skilar, Kobi, Michelle, Violet, Felix, and Charlie and Abigail." Chris announced.

Charlie and Abigail looked at each other sadly, ice packs situated on their heads, and bandages covering spots on their faces.

"Flint? Get the heck out of here!" Chris loaded the pyro into the slingshot and spat on him. "Any last words?"

"I swear on my life that I will be back to destroy this island and the people here. You keep your eye out McLeaaaaaaaannn." He was shot from the cannon and Chris sighed with relief.

"Well today we learned to never have any more pyromaniacs or delinquents in our game. What will happen next time on Total Drama Redemption? Tune in next time to see!" Chris smiled at the camera.

*updated November 1st 2014. Added confessionals*



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