Chapter 13: The Consequences

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The Grimm attack had been repulsed, they were eventually driven back. But at a heavy price...

When the huntsmen returned, along with Professor Ozpin. Who volunteered to assist them and civilians fleeing the battle-zone. They entered a scene straight out of hell, Cardin was strangled to death in the cell, whilst the door which had held back the Joker's menace had all but dissolved from a strong acid. Along with the remainder of Team CRDL. As a final blow to the face, the Joker was gone. The stolen Bullhead was most likely destroyed after the Joker had stolen it, yet all that wasn't enough to hold a bar to the biggest travesty which fell upon one of Beacon's best teams

Weiss Schnee was found wandering the barren streets of Vale, brought back to Beacon. She had a look of shock about her, and was mumbling incoherence. When asked by Blake and Yang what happened to her, and more precisely to Ruby. Yang's cry of agony was heard across the campus.

Yang: "Weiss... tell me that you are joking. Tell me that m-my SISTER AND D-DAD AREN'T DEAD!"

Weiss just looked at her with bloodshot eyes from all her sobbing.

Weiss: "I can't. As much as I'd want to."

She shook her head sadly.

Blake: "Yang, I'm so sorry."

Yang: "Blake, you shouldn't be the one to say sorry."

Weiss: "Yang I-"

She just brushed her off coldly.

Yang: "You should've talked her out of it."

Weiss: "I-I should have."

She repeated.

Yang: "Where is her body?"

Weiss: "In-In some... some sort of vault in an abandoned b-building... Once she got in, the door slammed shut, I tried everything I could. I just couldn't get her out."

Yang just walked to the bunk beds. Sitting down to try and process the entire situation.

Bunk beds, they were Ruby's idea.

Blake: "It's not your fault Weiss."

Yang: "Of course it's her fault! She's usually the level-headed one in this damn team! You should've been more careful!"


She suddenly exploded.

Blake: "Guys! Stop! We have to be better than this!"

Yang: "You're only saying that because she wasn't your sister!"

She turned on Blake.

Blake: "Yang, you have to calm down! We can't let this tear apart Team RWBY!"

Yang's furious gaze softened, as she leaned against the wall. Rubbing her forehead in an attempt to ease a painful and psychological pain.

Yang: "It's not Team RWBY, without Ruby. I'm sorry guys, this is just too much for me right now..."

Weiss: "I should've tried harder to stop her."

She repeated a third time, after having seen her close friend being embraced with deadly laugh-inducing gas right in front of her eyes.

Blake: "Weiss, again. You didn't cause Ruby's death, we all know who caused all of this to happen in the first place. It's a far stretch but, 'He' probably even intended for this very kind of argument to happen in the first place."

Weiss nodded in agreement. But Yang's joyous personality stayed as flat as a deflated balloon, Ruby meant the world and a half to her. Her death left her feeling as if there was a hole the size of a massive crater in her, damaging her mentally and spiritually to the core.

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