Chapter 9: Tables

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With Cardin standing guard in the cell with the Joker, Ozpin steps into the room. Sitting opposite to the Joker, who was twiddling around with his thumbs trying to pass the time.

Ozpin: "Well, now we meet. Officially.

(Y/N): "If this is a official meeting, then every time me and my dad said 'hi' to each other is too."

Ozpin: "No more jokes, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Why not?"

He asked, tilting his head a little. 

Ozpin: "People are scared, huntsmen are dead. You've crossed the line."

(Y/N): "I'd say bullying crosses the line quite fine."

He retorted, placing his feet onto the table.

Ozpin: "Feet off of the table, (L/N)."

(Y/N): "What is this, preschool... Well, judging how easy Team CFVY was to kill I wouldn't be surprised."

(Y/N)'s impossibly wide grin seemed to widen as he saw the slightest twitch of anger from his former headmaster.

Ozpin: "I'm willing to be reasonable here, (Y/N). If you just leave your fugitive life... just come back. This isn't you, it shouldn't be. You can come back, and join my school once more."

(Y/N) just shook his head slowly, giggling to himself.

(Y/N): "Ozzie Oz..."

Ozpin: "That's not my na-"

(Y/N): "If I had a dollar for every time Doc. Moriarty said "This isn't you." to me... I'd have enough to buy my way out of that shithole you plopped me into, and a vacation to Atlas to meet and slaughter some beautiful military chicks."

Ozpin: "There's no call for that kind of language."

(Y/N): "Oh please, open your eyes. What do you think this is, a children's television show?"

Ozpin: "Why are you doing this?"

(Y/N): "Why are you doing this." 

(Y/N) imitated him.

(Y/N): "You sound just. like. him. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just you in a stupid mask. After all, his face did look like someone did awful plastic surgery on it." 

Ozpin: "Don't dodge the question, why are you doing this. Why kill an entire team of good, honest huntsmen? Why threaten the people of Vale with destruction and death?..."

He then leaned closer, whispering his next sentence.

Ozpin: "And how do you know about her..."

(Y/N): "You see that guy there?"

He pointed to Cardin.

Ozpin: "Yes, Cardin Winchester? What about him? How will you involve him in your twisted logic?"

(Y/N): "He looks exactly like your stereotypical bully. Let me guess... he bullies Faunus? Hm?"

He asked. Cardin looked at him as if he had just kicked his dog.

Ozpin: "Murder is no excuse for problems which should be handled by the staff of an academy."

(Y/N): "Nonononono, problems which weren't handled by the staff of the academy, problems which were IGNORED... by the staff of the academy, problems which were DOWNPLAYED by the staff once the news reporters started flooding in... yeah I can still read newspapers."

Ozpin just sighed.

Ozpin: "The fact doesn't change that you killed those three innocent members of your team."

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