Chapter 10: In Motion

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Roman sent his goons to begin boarding the train, loaded to the brim with Dust accumulated through robberies alongside some of the Joker's crates of PETN explosives. Meanwhile, he began texted Neo through his scroll to try and get a sense of co-ordination.

Roman: "The Joker's plan has worked half of his magic, but now he's still in captivity. What does he plan to do to get himself out of there?"

Neo: "Simple, he combined his plan with ours. With the Grimm attack, and subsequent bombings of Vale. He'll create chaos on a level unimaginable even by Cinder. (Y/N) recently acquired an asset he thinks would be useful leverage against his huntsman captors."

Roman: "I see, well there's no other plan ATM. So I'll just have to go along with it, the train's about to head out. So I'll ttyl."

He took off his hat to fan himself, before placing it back on.

Roman: "You lazy animals, get those boxes into those train cars asap!"

He ordered.

- Meanwhile -

Cardin stepped aside as the door opened, Team RWBY stepped in. Ozpin right behind them.

Ozpin: "Are you sure you want to question him?"

He asked. Team Leader, Ruby Rose nodded.

Ozpin: "Very well, Cardin. You can step out."

Cardin: "What? Why? These ladies need protecting."

He stated, with his usual macho bravado. Ozpin remained unimpressed, ushering him out of the room. Which he obliged.

(Y/N): "Evening... ladies."

He said, fixing his green hair a little to the side with his hands cuffed by semblance-dampening handcuffs.

Weiss: "Look at this, the sole reason why I wasn't able to get my beauty sleep for three days straight."

(Y/N): "Oh how terrible, someone couldn't sleep. Perhaps I could recommend you insomniac pills. Though... those do feel verrry good. He he he."

Ruby: "You said that you were once a huntsman here..."

The red-haired girl said, (Y/N) paid no attention to her.

(Y/N): "What's with the bow, kitty cat? Afraid that bird-boy out there's gonna pull your ear if he sees them?"

A genuine question, Blake didn't know what to say. The Joker never saw her without her bow. So how could he have known about their hidden heritage, which was a secret closely kept by her friends?

Blake: "I-"

Yang: "He's trying to dodge our questions again like he did with the headmaster."

She butted in by slamming her fist onto the table, causing a dent in the surface.

(Y/N): "Look at that, beauty and brawn."

He smiled, licking his lips.

Yang: "You got a real mouth on you, clown. Maybe I should make some arrangements that won't be able to be hidden by that stupid makeup of yours."

(Y/N): "Of course the bimbo is the one who bases everything, even threats... on appearance and that alone."

Yang then grabbed (Y/N) by the collar, pulling him up to his feet. So close to her face that he could lean in and kiss her.

Yang: "Say that again..."

(Y/N): "Hm...Okay. Of course the bimbo is th-"

Yang's hair flared up in anger, as she slammed (Y/N) face-first into the desk. Ruby held her hands to her mouth, Blake gasped at Yang's sudden display of brutality towards an unarmed prisoner, and Weiss tried to get her off of the boy.

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