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Artemis taps his feet nervously while sitting on a chair beside his brother and niece.

"Uncle, do you have feelings for Yllathanise's mom?" Yasana narrows her eyes and bites her lip curiously.

"He's like my little brother, like uncle Maeve," Artemis makes a popping sound with his lips, then smiles with worries.

"I think he's really pretty; and if you marry him maybe you can protect him more. Have you considered that?"

"Yasana, don't ask your uncle that anymore," Yennenga shakes his head in disappointment.

However, he too hope Artemis and Alosrin get together as he sees that as happiness for two really important people in his life.

Yennenga always knew he had to marry Asana, but he was unsure of who might Asana be without the parents lurking behind them every time they meet.

Through Alosrin, he learned that Asana was as nervous about him as he was about her.

With Alosrin and Asana's brother's help, Yennenga and Asana were able to communicate on the basis of responsibility and doubt in themselves.

"Welcome to my humble home," Niusin grins hysterically as he enter to the rather large room. "Turn off the lights and draw the curtains. I want to see their mythical faces."

Strong rays of light initially bleach the dragons' sensitive sights before getting used to them.

"What bring such powerful and ancient creatures before me?" Niusin continues to act dumb.

"We are the Viliienne Dragons in Paliciosa—"

"Brother, why don't we just go straight into what we want?" Artemis put on a canny smirk, "He should know who we are because the people behind him have heard our names and legacies for centuries."

"Then I'll quickly say that who you are looking for are under my protection. You needn't worry so," Niusin drinks the cup of dark alcohol poured for him.

The dragons didn't bat an eye for the drinks, and Yennenga purposely flinches, "They're still my guests. I have a responsibility to at least see they're well when they leave my home."

"Words should suffice. They are well."

Niusin leans on his unbroken hand casually and is uninterested in the conversation.

"Well. Shall this be farewell?" Niusin chuckles at the dragons' lost for words.

Artemis thinks about lying that Alosrin is his fiancé so that he would have an edge on Niusin, but worries that it might not be enough.

"Why not? But we need Alosrin and Yllathanise to go with us. After all, my uncle Artemis and Alosrin are engaged. Why would we leave without the members of our family?"

Yasana smiles confidently with her arms crossed over her chest.

Niusin laughs, "Child. You are mistaken. The one you called Alosrin is the indisputable wife of Crowned Prince Niltiocles. Princess Niowei is proof so."

"Hm." Yasana pretends like she's thinking out loud, "Uncle Artemis, do you recall a ring on Alosrin's ring finger? That is an Aarthian tradition for proof of marriage is it not?"

"No. I don't recall," Artemis smirks. "I 'personally' don't recall Alosrin wearing any jewelry."

Perhaps it is Niusin's butler that informed him, so him replies with, "It's not an Enzumin tradition to wear jewelry. You and I can neither proof who 'his' spouse is."

"Then can we see Alosrin and Yllathanise? I'm sure Alosrin can confirm who his partner in life is." Yennenga sits comfortably as she smiles for the only human in the room.

The old man grinds his teeth with a painful smile, "No. They are not well enough to come out."

"Not well? An elf?" Artemis raises a brow sarcastically.

"Yes." The old man makes a decision to reveal, "'He' is not well. As you heard, he and Princess Niowei were kidnapped at Lake Park. He was hit at the back of his head and now he can't see, hear, or talk."

Artemis's face darkens with a black arrow piercing at his chest.

Yennenga hooks his arm around his younger brother's sounder, "More so that we should take them with us. We have the knowledge and means to treat Alosrin's condition."

"What would happen if you keep our persons after treating him? We will find a treatment for him 'our' way."

"Don't be so stubborn," Yennenga shakes his head slowly. "When will you find a treatment for Alosrin? In a week? In a month? A year, maybe? I don't believe so, it'll take you centuries."

"Whether we find a treatment in an hour or in a millennium is not important. What is important is that we will not be tricked by you to steal our persons."

Yennenga takes a deep breath, "So you rather Alosrin dying in your hands, then living in ours? Is it your pride or your morality that is making this unethical decision?"

"I don't see it as unethical, son of Lozen and brother of Gozen. How can you understand my morals when you can live for thousands of years while I live for less than a hundred?"

"Then what is your reasoning for refusing our good intention to help Alosrin?"

Niusin gazes from Artemis to Yennenga, "I fear you might not return our Queen and Princess back to us. You said it yourself, our Queen is a beautiful sight to behold."

"Is our brother not the Queen of Aarth?" Artemis's crimson eyes tries to burn the old human.

Yennenga covers Artemis's eyes with his hand while his guts are churning from anger as well.

Niusin smiles with victory written all over him.

"Enough with being civil," Yennenga acts calmly. "I say bring Alosrin and Yllathanise to us now."

Artemis and Yennenga stand aside as Yasana transform into a scaled beast of fiery gold.

"Bandits will always be bandits," Niusin comments while being shielded by his loyal slaves of Beastmen.

"STOP!" Juda shouts from the same entrance Niusin used earlier.

Juda carries the sick elf on his back with a little girl with messy hair hiding between his legs.

"Alosrin!" Artemis rushes to them while Yasana covers for him.

The young dragon takes the elf into his arms with much worries lifted from his shoulders.

"Thanise." Artemis whispers softly not knowing if he should pat her head or pick her up as well.

Niowei frowns but says nothing about Artemis carrying her mother in his arms. Instead she allows Juda to hold her as she hides her face.

Yasana returns to her humanoid form and also rush to the tired group.

Yennenga declares, "I guess we will be leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality."

As the group walks out of the moody room, Niusin grinds his teeth and whispers, "That shitty son has the balls to betray me. Little does he know, dragons will never accept fairies."

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