❅ Chapter Thirty-Six ❅

Start from the beginning

Just then Draco swooped down and began to pace around Risa and the Rosenbergs. Risa let out a squeal with a wide deer in the headlight's eyes. The Rosenbergs didn't seem to be afraid only because he had been there previously guarding them.

She took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself. "You can do this, just close your eyes and dart. This is only a dream, they can't hurt you." She reminded herself taking another deep breath. She tried to dart but the dragon minions held her back and Draco came closer hissing. "This has to be a dream. This is a dream." She tried to tell herself, feeling the panic of a sudden attack that never came.

Medusa walked through the fog, shaking her head. Finally, the lost princess had arrived. Later than she hoped, but now was better than never. "There is no point in trying, they only listen to me, and only I can communicate with them." She explained, a small smirk growing on her lips. 

Risa whipped around and faced the mysterious woman. "Who are you?" She asked, her eyes wide with fright. When she came from the fog she felt an ominous feeling wrap itself around her. She knew whoever she was, she had brought her here for a reason and the Rosenbergs as well.

Medusa smirked and introduced herself to Risa. "Ah, you don't remember? Medusa." She knew her name enough could strike fear into someone. "I have a long history with you and I'm sure by now you can connect the dots." She nonchalantly explained, tapping her nails on her arm.

Risa wracked her brain to see if Medusa rang a bell. Ding. It hit her. "You're the woman who tried to kill the Rosenbergs!" She exclaimed, being able to put some pieces together. "You were behind all those accidents," She pointed to Medusa. "You think I'm Clarissa?" It made sense now. That was why she was here.

Medusa ignored her question and turned to her dragon minions, knowing they would help her. "Tie her up my sweet Dragon Minions, hurry now, can't let her try and outwit you." She leaned against Draco, watching her dragon minions do their thing. "I'm so glad you could join us. I have been looking forward to this for months."

The dragon minions did as Medusa said, tieing her wrists and pushing her back to the line where the Rosenbergs were at. Of course, they had a little bit of trouble since Risa was trying to fight them off. They ended up successfully tieing her hands behind her back, even though she still tried to get loose.

Risa was not having it. She was not going to give up. "Let me go. I don't know what is going on but you have the wrong person. I'm not Clarissa!" She groaned trying to kick and shake. She didn't know what Medusa had in mind nor who she was, but she knew it wasn't going to end well.

Medusa raised an eyebrow and laughed at Risa and her words. "The wrong person? Oh dear, I believe I have the right person. It's clear as day, you're Clarissa. A family reunion you could say. Although the occasion is hardly happy." She found her adorable in a certain way that she tried to deny it.

Nathan rolled his eyes, obviously having no real emotion other than being irritated. "You are being ridiculous, Medusa. Just admit it, you have failed too many times and it is for a reason. Just give up now before you humiliate yourself again." He snapped, thinking he made a valid point.

Medusa placed her hand on her chest and smirked. "Humiliate me? Tsk, tsk. If you don't mind, I want to relish this moment. For eleven years I had basked in the idea I succeeded in eliminating you. Alas, it turned out to be wrong. You all escaped and didn't die, how sad." She mockingly spoke in a sad voice.

She then smirked again before continuing. "Now I am here to finish what I started. Sometimes you just have to handle things yourself if you want to get the job done. I am done relying on others, as we can see, Risa and her punny friends escaped each situation I created. From the boat to the train, all were failures because I trusted people who I thought could get the job done. I was wrong and now I am here having to deal with you.

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