❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

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A few weeks passed, nothing happened and Nathan thought she wasn't serious, palace life went back to normal or so it seemed. People had been talking about what had happened the night of the gala and even the townspeople seemed to be on edge. It was hard to understand what was going on with the townspeople when no one would speak up.

Sherry Everett ran down the hall, her chestnut-brown hair falling out of its braided crown and laying down her back. Her brown eyes focused on chasing after a certain young princess. "Clarissa! Clarissa, please come back. I know you don't want to go to bed but it is bedtime." She called the girl, wondering how she was running so fast.

Clarissa giggled glancing back at her nanny, a huge smile on her lips. "No! I am not a tired Nanny." She called as she rounded a corner and hid under a table that had a long table cloth on it. She pulled her knees up to her chest and held her breath, waiting for her nanny to leave.

Sherry got on her hands and knees in front of the table. She reached her hands quickly and grabbed the princess from under the table, pulling her out. "Please settle down. Your mother would be upset if she found out you were still up and only half ready for bed." She told her to, picking her up, as the girl squirmed in her arms.

Clarissa started to whine loudly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I am not a sleepy nanny. Mama won't know if we don't tell her!" She leaned her head on Sherry's shoulder and sighed heavily. She knew there was no point in fighting, she would end up going to sleep whether she wanted to or not. She couldn't fight it forever.

Sherry turned around and began to walk back to Clarissa's room. "That isn't how things work Clarissa. How about instead you just think about tomorrow? A full day to run around like you had done today. You should be sleepy with all the running you have done." She commented, placing a hand on the young girl's back. Normally the young princess would already be falling asleep, but oddly enough, this time she wasn't.

She pushed open the door with her hip, glad she hadn't shut it all the way. She walked into the room and pushed the door closed with her foot. Moving over to the bed, she set her down on the bed. "All we have left to do is brush your hair." She told her as she grabbed a brush from the vanity. "This time please sit still so I won't pull your hair."

Clarissa shook her head crawling to get off the bed. "I don't want to have my hair brushed. I wanna play some more. I'm not sleepy Nanny." She whined, not understanding why she had to go to bed. She wasn't tired, so therefore she shouldn't be made to go to bed unless she was tired. It only sounded logical to her.

Sherry grabbed the girl and pulled her back sitting on the bed. "I understand that but it is almost past your bedtime. Your parents had said strictly eight o'clock is your bedtime and it is ten to eight." She explained pointing to the clock. Even though the young princess couldn't tell time, she still knew by the numbers.

Clarissa sighed, crossing her legs so her nanny could brush her hair. "I don't like that clock. I like my pocket watch." She said, opening up the pocket watch she had set down on her bed. "See, it says the same time but prettier." She started closing it and holding it to her chest. She treasured the gift her grandparents had given her.

Sherry ran the brush through her hair, giving a gentle smile. She recalled having to pry it from her hands to give her her bath. "Yes, it is quite beautiful. So much more than that old clock huh?" She was going along with the young girl, knowing this was harmless, and hopefully talking would tire her out.

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