❅ Chapter Fifteen ❅

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Medusa was rather bored the whole time they traveled from the train crash in Russia to France. She had gone out to do some business since she knew this journey did not need her to watch over. She was in no mood at all to watch then travel, she would be doing that too soon.

Not that she would admit it, but having a normal life was pretty decent. Going out, shopping, talking to people, things of that nature. She could see her living a normal life after this Rosenberg girl was finally dead so she could have a normal life.

She secretly had plans mapped out of all she was going to be doing. She had a small house that was just waiting for her in France, which she was going to be moving to. She had been saving up her inheritance for a very long time, knowing she would be using it. 

She could finally move out of this clock tower, which before she couldn't. She truly didn't know if the royals were dead, so she had to stick around to make sure. Now that she knew there was a survivor she had to deal with her before she could relax and live a normal life.

When she had gotten her attention, it was because of what Randolph and Marie had said. She had to do a double-take and she dressed her ear into the mirror to make sure she heard things right. She indeed did hear them right.

She groaned loudly, balling her fists tightly as her eyes grew wide as saucers. "I can't believe they're all still alive! Even if I will have to wait to see what this Stella girl tells them, I can't believe they could all be alive and have escaped just like the duchess!" She was furious with what she was hearing.

She sighed and tapped her finger on her chin as she paced back and forth. She could not believe they all didn't die that fateful night. They had escaped with their lives. "Nathan you foolish, foolish man. You truly are a coward, aren't you? Running away when your kingdom needed you the most. I was right all along." She mumbled to herself.

She couldn't believe Nathan, who insisted he was the best King Frontrance had ever had, had fled for his life like a common coward instead of staying behind and fighting for his kingdom. Well, she could because she had been the one to point it out at the Winter Gala. They made everyone think they were dead, but instead, they were living happily in Paris.

Then her mind wandered to the tasks she had given a select few, which one lied and said they did when they hadn't. She gave a short laugh running her hands through her hair. "This is unbelievable! I knew I couldn't trust anyone with my plans, they are all too incompetent to do anything. Am I the only smart one?" She asked herself knowing she probably sounded weird.

She threw her hands up in the air and groaned. "Of course I am, unlike others, I don't quit or give up or let someone stop me from doing what I want. No one should stand in your way, you have to stop anyone who stands in your way. What don't they get about that?" She screeched, so many emotions coursing through her.

She stopped with wide bloodshot eyes, breathing heavily and her fists balled at her sides. "Ugh, this is just what I needed. When do I ever get a break from this madness? Oh, right it was my madness I had begun with long ago when I took revenge on them." She sighed, opening up the window enough to cool down.

Iggy blinked a few times watching Hans' Mistress pace back and forth, saying how she was feeling. He could tell that she was bent on revenge and just the thought of her plans that failed. She looked as if she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "I think she is having a mental breakdown." He whispered to his friend making sure that Medusa could not hear a word he said.

Hans had to admit, it did seem like his mistress was having a mental breakdown. She was breathing heavily, she had a crazy look in her eyes, and she was having many emotions at once. "You are right. She does seem to be having a mental breakdown, which is sad. She has been stressed and it is finally coming to the surface." He gave a heavy sigh. He was surprised that they all were alive. "Never did I even think that following this girl who I thought was the duchess, would ever lead us to such information." He was marveled about this whole thing, a loss for words, unlike Medusa.

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