❅ Chapter Ten ❅

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Medusa gasped as she watched what had happened the whole time. She couldn't believe it. Her plans had been ruined. "No! Not again! NO! NO! This can't be happening! Why did this have to happen again?" She yelled angrily, kicking the floor with her foot and clenching her hands.

Hans opened his eyes, since he had been sleeping, he hadn't known what had happened. "What is it wrong, mistress?" He asked, flying over to her and perching on the back of her chair. "Is something wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, trying to be a good bird.

Medusa glared over at Hans and snarled, was he seriously asking her that? Did he not read the room? "That little Rosenberg brat didn't give up with the lucid dream and go back to Canada where I can take care of her myself! And then she escapes my men who have been doing deeds for me successfully for years now. Can you believe it, Hans?"

She could not believe it. She had worked so hard, so tirelessly on this one plan she hoped would work. "I can't believe it. I was so sure it would work. It was flawless." She had meticulously planned everything down to the very last detail. She had mapped out all possible options for it to go sideways and made sure that didn't happen. Yet, it did.

Hans tilted his head at her. "Maybe this is a sign? A sign from above. A sign that you shouldn't try to harm this girl. Maybe she isn't the real Clarissa and just a normal orphan girl. Perhaps the real Clarissa is dead or somewhere far away. It could be a mere coincidence." He suggested it could be the reason why, which was so clear to him.

Medusa scoffed at what Hans had said, it was ridiculous to think such things. "Oh my sweet Hans, you have much to learn my naïve little bird. She is clearly the Duchess, genetics make it so obvious. She looked like Perisa as a young woman. I should know, we had known each other for years. I was worth her during those times, we were inseparable. Until she betrayed me." She deadpanned crossing her arms.

Hans did not like being called such things, but he knew it was obvious she would call him that. That was just what she did when she was stressed. He didn't take it to heart. "I am not naïve. You have a point, my dear mistress, yet that still doesn't mean she isn't. There is such a thing as a doppelganger." He knew that every person had at least one person who looked just like them.

Medusa sat down in her chair, it was more of she slumped into her chair sadly. "How did this happen? How could my Dragon Minions and my henchmen let me down? I thought they were very reliable - but it wasn't them at all, because it was the boy, man that dog who helped her." She tapped her nails on the armrest.

She hummed softly as she sat there and thought for a moment. "I've got to find somehow to get rid of them all or at least separate that boy and man from the Duchess." She had a good idea, but now how would she turn it into a plan? It would take time but she didn't need time, soon they would be in Paris.

Hans looked up at his mistress. "Oh come know Medusa, that dog is pretty cute! It's so small, so soft, so fluffy, and just thinks of the puppy's breath and tiny nose." He cooed in a babyish voice as he put his wings up to his cheeks. "Not to mention I'm cute too. I'm the only thing cute around here. I'm cuddly, silky soft, and have lots of plush feathers too. I'm a sleek back color with hints of blue and green!" It was indeed kinda cute how quickly he changed subjects.

Draco glared at the crow, still only seeing him as a measly little snack. "For once in your life can you please shut your beak? You are annoying. Out of respect for my mistress, I haven't eaten you. But every moment you speak makes it harder to not have you for a snack." He said in a low voice, narrowing his eyes.

Hans gasped, offended at what he had said, and put his wing over his chest. "How dare you speak such things about me. I am far from annoying, I am optimistic and good moral support for her in her times of need. All you do is sleep, never once have I seen you offer any kind of encouragement or been her voice of reason." He scowled at the respite.

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