❅ Chapter Four ❅

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It hadn't been at least fifteen minutes and her peace had finally been broken. "Hey!" a male voice yelled making Risa jump at his voice. "How'd you get in here? Your trespassing on these premises! This is off-limits to unauthorized people!" His voice boomed with such authority as he walked down the steps.

Risa rolled her eyes as she stood up and looked down at her dog. "Unauthorized people? Oh boy, who does he think he is? No signs were telling me not to come in, plus I needed to get you. Do you think he will believe me if I said that?" She picked up Loyal, asking her beloved dog for advice and she knew she wouldn't get any back.

Vincent once again asked who she was as he walked closer, obviously not happy with her inside the palace. He didn't like people just walking into the castle without an invitation for being told they could come in. "This place is under construction. No one is allowed on this premises unless they get the okay for me!"

Risa set down Loyal and crossed her arms, looking at him with an unhappy and annoyed look. She was in no mood to play games with this boy, Vincent, unknowing to her. She was not acknowledging he was saying anything to her, she was already in a sour mood due to her whole day going wrong.

Vincent stopped a few feet from her and crossed his arms as well. "How did you get me here? I want to know how you came in here! Who are you? Did anyone send you here? Did someone invite you?" He asked in a skeptical tone, eyeing her up and down, with narrow eyes.

Risa raised her eyebrow at him and all his questions she had just asked. "What makes you think I will answer you? You are not in authority or anything as I can see. Therefore I have no reason to answer all your questions." She paused and quickly added. "However, my dog jumped through a broken window in the kitchen and I had to get her back. You know how dogs are."

Vincent nodded pursing his lips. Was she expecting him to believe such a story? Yes, she had a dog, but many people who had come in had such wild stories on why they came in. "Ah, I see." That was all he said as he turned to look at his guardian, shaking his head a little bit.

Rolando hurried up to Vincent, stopping beside him and resting his hand on his shoulder trying to catch his breath. "Good grief, you run too fast. I'm not in my prime like you young ones nowadays. Next time let's do this together and not just you acting like an adult." He told the boy patting his shoulder.

He then had his mouth drop open but he quickly closed it but his eyes did stay wide. 'She looks just like Duchess Clarissa, just an older version, of course, time didn't change this girl much!' He thought to himself but then paused. 'It probably is just a coincidence. I have looked for her and here she is before my eyes? Seems unreal.'

Risa looked at the two. What did she get herself into with these men? "I hate to break up whatever on this planet is going on here. I do have a little question: Why is he staring at me and who are you?" She asked pointing to Rolando then back to Vincent.

Rolando grew a little fluttered, was it that obvious? "You just - um - you look - nevermind, forget I even said anything." He didn't want to make her think he was crazy because he was not crazy. He was pretty good at matching someone younger with their older self. It was a gift and something he had learned in the military for the king.

Vincent rolled his eyes at his guardian and looked back at Risa. "I'm Vincent. This is Rolando who is helping to restore the palace to its former glory. I am helping him out with this massive place since I have nothing else better to do." He replied running a hand through his hair, tilting his head at her.

Risa pulled out the paper from her pocket and looked at the poster, before showing it to him. "Oh, so you are doing this? Making this place a museum! That is very noble of you to do such things. I am sure the royals would have been happy to hear what you are doing in honor of them." She told them gently, smiling.

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