❅ Chapter Eleven ❅

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Days later they arrived in Vladivostok, Russia. The men got handed over to the Russian authorities, the Soviet Union along with the diamonds. The Soviets were happy, they got their diamonds back and the men went to jail. It was on the front page of every newspaper, along with the picture all over Russia. It gave the Russian people something else to talk about.

None of the passengers knew what went on that night. So they were in for an utter shock the next morning when the captain told everyone what happened. They called Risa, Vincent, and Rolando heroes. Risa and Rolando just knew what was the right thing to be done and dismissed what they called them, though Vincent on the other hand was milking it for all it was worth.

He had many young women compliment him and chat with him. He couldn't deny he was loving it. He of course was just basking in the attention and yes he did get a few glares from jealous men. There was always bound to be someone jealous so he just dismissed it and went along with his normal business.

They got off the boat and walked to the train station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and stood in line for about fifteen minutes. They showed their tickets to the ticket teller, then he stamped them not even paying attention to the place where they were going. He seemed worse than the guy in Canada, at least he did his job, this guy didn't even want to do it.

After their tickets were stamped, they walked onto the train and took a seat in the front booth about six cars back, since barely any people would be that far back. They rode for hours upon hours, stopping at different train stations, letting people off and on. It

Risa sat by the window, looking out, she held Loyal so he could look outside. They both had never been on a train before and this whole thing was exciting for them. Loyal barked at every person who walked by to board the train to exit the train. All she saw was more people to give her belly rubs.

It was nice having peace for the many hours they were first on the train. Risa just listened to the clicking of the wheels on the steel rails of the track, focusing on that instead of the thoughts that were buzzing in her head. Rolando had fallen asleep since trains had always made him sleepy. Vincent was flipping through a journal he had, scribbling things down.

A half an hour later Rolando woke up and looked between both Risa and Vincent. There was an undeniable awkward silence between Vincent and Risa, that seemed to have been going on for this whole ride so far. He couldn't take it anymore, he was not going to ride the whole train like this.

Rolando ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What is it with you two? Why is there more awkward tension between you guys again than in the ship?" He asked curiously, shifting in his seat and putting his feet up in the booth across from him.

Vincent put his hands up, denying anything he said. "There's no tension between us. I'm just thinking about something, having nothing to do with Risa." He replied, knowing full well he was thinking about what Risa. He hoped Rolando would believe him but the odds weren't in his favor.

Risa rolled her eyes putting her feet up in the seat. Stretching her arms over her head and her legs in front of her, she said. "I don't see any tension between us. I have been too busy looking out the window and smiling every time Loyal barked at someone at each train station." She waved him off, then she realized that half true.

She then sighed and added something she had to get off her chest. "Maybe something is bothering me, well not bother me per se, just something is making me feel uneasy. I want to thank you Vincent for saving my life. That was very kind of you, but did you have to give me mouth to mouth?" She softly told him, not knowing why she felt so embarrassed by it.

Vincent gave her a cheeky smile before smoothly saying. "It is never a problem my lady. It's my job to keep you safe until we get to Paris. It was the best way to bring you back, don't take it to heart. I would have done it to anyone." He reassured her, biting his tongue from teasing her about it.

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