❅ Chapter Twelve ❅

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Rolando had just finished his meal and now he was walking back to his cart. He had a full stomach and could see himself taking a nap for a few hours. As he passed by the second cart, he overheard two ruffians talking about Vincent, Risa, and himself. He tried to listen to what they were saying by walking slowly. They said they were troublemakers and were going to get them in trouble because they had grudges against Vincent or something to that effect. Or that was a summary of what he had heard.

He sighed softly making his way back to the cart after pausing to hear what they had said. Were they ever going to get a break? It seemed like they were cursed. Trouble followed them everywhere they went. "Like we need any more trouble." He walked into the booth and looked at the two young adults who were gazing out the window. "We've got a slight problem." He began to say.

Vincent looked over at Rolando and turned himself to face him. He wondered what was the problem. It could have been something so trivial. "What is it? What is going on?" He asked, not the slightest bit interested in what was going on. Whatever it is, he was probably going to be overdramatic about it like he normally was. Or at least in his eyes.

Rolando sat down beside Vincent. "I overheard two ruffians - who seemed to be old pals of yours - talking about getting us kicked off the train because they said we were causing trouble. Which is something we haven't done but knowing the people you hung out with, I wouldn't put it past them to plant something on us." He explained grabbing his bag and stuffing his notebook into it.

Vincent pursed his lips, didn't quite know who he was talking about. Hadn't seen anyone on the train he had known. If he had he would have probably avoided them at all cost. He wasn't on the best terms with anyone he knew. "Please tell me you are joking? I don't want to leave this booth, it is so warm and comfy." What else could go wrong on this trip? It was the common question.

Rolando gathered up his suitcase in his hands. "Get our luggage and get to the storage cart, right behind the engine. We will be safe there until the train stops at our destination." He explained, not liking the idea of having to leave the comfort of the booths, but it was something they had to do. He was in no mood to get into trouble whether it was his fault or not.

He turned to Vincent, knowing if he didn't make so many enemies they wouldn't be needing to move carts. "If they try anything we'll be gone and they can not hurt us now can they?" He rhetorically asked, simply raising an eyebrow at Vincent. He continued to speak even though Vincent was not listening to him. "Vincent, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, hoping you have a word.

Vincent stepped closer to Rolando, crossing his arms over his chest after pulling on his coat. He rolled his eyes and huffed. Of course, blame everything on him. "Oh Rolando, do I have to listen to what you are going to say to me? Can't it wait?" He was in no mood to be grilled about whatever.

Rolando frowned at what Vincent had said, that was not nice. "You know those two ruffians, you told me they had run away to Russia. Now they had found and followed us to this train. Now they will be giving Risa and I payback for whatever you did to them." He whispered in a very upset tone.

Vincent looked at him and raised his eyebrows. "Which ones? You know I had a lot of "friends" who I only used because they had what I wanted." He said stuffing his hat on his head, before pulling out his gloves and putting them on his hands. He had no clue which ones he was talking about. That did make him look worse, and his voice seemed to hold contempt.

Rolando shook his head, he knew he had a lot but he couldn't have made every one of them hold a grudge did he? "It was I believe Paul and Jacob, the two rotten eggs who did like throwing eggs at people's houses. Can't say for sure but now that I think about it, the similarities are striking." He never did like those two boys, always causing trouble and being chased by the police.

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