❅ Chapter Twenty-Two ❅

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That next morning came far too soon for Risa. She was still in bed when Stella knocked at her door. "Go away, five more minutes." She called loud enough for whoever was at the door to hear as she pulled the covers over her head. She was physically exhausted and just couldn't force herself out of the bed just yet.

Stella laughed softly. How amusing. Risa was still fast asleep although she should have been up by now. "Risa, it is I, Stella. You are supposed to be ready. We have a big day! First starting with breakfast and then showing you around this marvelous city with a few special strings I pulled." She called through the door. She made sure to keep her voice just loud enough for Risa to hear but not enough to disturb her neighbors.

Risa sat up in bed and looked over at her clock. She gasped as she realized she hadn't set the alarm on the clock. "Be ready in fifteen minutes." She called getting out of bed and rushing around getting ready for the day. She couldn't believe she had overslept. She hoped Stella wouldn't be bad. "Sorry about that, I truly am." She ran a brush through her hair.

Stella smiled and turned around. "It is fine. I will be in the lobby waiting for you." She replied, pulling her coat up around her and looking down at the poodle Éclair at her side. It was a good thing the hotel Rolando had picked out had a fully finished and fancy lobby with many chairs, couches, and tables, amongst other things.

Risa soon met her outside with Loyal at her side on a leash, to keep her from going anywhere or getting hurt. "I know girl, I know you don't like it but around here you have to wear one." She felt bad watching her dog paw at her neck. She knew it was uncomfortable, but it was something she had to have to keep her close.

Loyal was pawing at the harness around her body and a piece of rope attached that Risa held in her hand. "I know, I know. It just is very uncomfortable." She whined trying to ignore it and not let it bother her. She didn't understand how other dogs wore these things. They were awful, it felt like she was being strangled.

Risa looked up at Stella and noticed she had Éclair with her. "Oh Stella, you brought Éclair with you! That will certainly take Loyal's mind off the harness and leash." She smiled happily, bent down to the poodle's level. "She must be happy to get out of the house. I know Loyal is thrilled."

Loyal was happy to see Éclair and perked up, beginning to forget about her harness. "Hi, Éclair! It's so good to see you again! I thought for sure I would be alone in this vast city but now I have you to spend time with!" She exclaimed, barking and jumped around, only to get tangled in the leash.

But Éclair wasn't so happy to see Loyal, since she found the mutt annoying. "Uh-huh. If you say so, I am just here because Stella knew I needed some fresh air, not because of you " She said as she flicked her tail, lifting her head in the air and sticking her nose up. She couldn't believe that mutt would be hanging around her. Oh, the attention it would draw.

Loyal began to whine, not liking how the bigger dog was treating her. She was stuck up and she didn't understand why Éclair hated her so much. "Oh, if you, that is the reason." She hung her head down feeling so bad. What did she ever do for Éclair to treat her in such a way? Was it because she was a mutt and not a pedigree purebred like her?

Risa laughed and bent down, untying her little dog from her leash. "Oh Loyal, what am I going to do with you." She mused, looping up the excess rope around her hand, making a mental note she would need to fix it so there wasn't too much leeway. Too much could end up getting Loyal hurt.

Stella hugged Risa, smiling brightly at the younger girl. She looked beaming, even though it was still early in the morning and she did bc take notice of the faint dark circles under her eyes. "Bonjour! Oui oui, I did bring her along. Today is the day that you experience the life of a Parisian citizen. Courtesy of moi." She beamed brightly, looping her arm around Risa's and pulling her closer.

| ❅ | Finding Home | ❅ | A Novel | ❅ |  Complete  | ❅ |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora