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One summers day, 5 year old metamorphagus Nymphadora and 9 year old Hugo were playing in their back yard. Hugo had Nymphadora on his back and she was giggling and laughing, whilst he ran and jumped up and down to amuse her.

It was fair to say that Hugo and Nymphadora had a very close relationship, they had since she was born. At first Hugo was annoyed that he was going to have a sister instead of a brother to play with, but as soon as he saw her, he knew he was going to love and protect her as long as he's around.

Nymphadora yawned, though she tried to stifle it. Hugo chuckled and set her down, much to her disapproval, and looked her dead in the eye with a smirk. "Tired are we Nym" he asked slyly, earning a small slap on the arm from Young Tonks that felt rather like a playful nudge from a bunny. "No" she said looking rather annoyed. Hugo knew his sister, she HATED going to bed, she just wanted to stay and play with her older brother as much as she could.

He picked her up again, but this time he wasn't being as playful. He started to walk inside when his father, Ted Tonks, blocked his way with a kind smile on his face. As soon as Nymphadora saw him she shuffled her way out of her brothers grasp and ran into his arms as fast as she could, laughing. Ted easily picked her up and held her tightly in his arms. Hugo couldn't help but feel proud of his family, he loved how close they all were (minus the death eater side of their family) and how they all loved each other.

He was suddenly snapped back to reality when his mother, Andromeda Tonks, called from inside the house that Tea was ready. Hugo ran inside with his father and Nymphadora not so far behind him, he ran up to his mother and took the plates from her hands, earning a quick kiss on the head from Andromeda. He loved helping around the house, and his parents never complained. Whereas Nymphadora on the other hand was too young and clumsy to help out around the house.

He placed the plates on the big oak table awaiting his mother when he felt a small tap on this waist, he turned around to see a very tired looking Nymphadora standing there with her eyes half shut. "I'm sleepy now" she wined quietly and solftly, as she did every time she was too tired. Hugo chuckled quietly and lifted up his little Nym so that her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands the base of his shoulders, and her head leaning tiredly against his chest. He slowly walked over to his mother and announced that he was going to tuck her into Bed.

Walking up the stairs with sleeping Nymphadora was one of Hugo's favourite parts of the day. He loved reading her bedtime stories and kissing her goodnight and tickling her slightly when he was tucking her in. And she loved it too.

He slowly pushed open her door and walked over to her big bed, and placed her under the covers gently, trying not to wake her. She had fallen asleep during the journey up to her bedroom. Hugo picked up her favourite teddy bear that he had given her when she was born, and carefully placed it under her arm, and she instantly cuddled up to it. Smiling one last time, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and creeped out of her room. Taking one last glance of his little sister, he slowly closed the door and creeped back downstairs.

(This is my first ever fanfiction, I have read many and decided to make one of my own.

Nymphadora Tonks is my all time favourite character from Harry Potter.A thought came to me about what Tonks' story would have been like if she had a brother. So here it is.

There will be some Remadora in this fanfic soon. As they are also my favourite ship.

I would love to hear how I did, and I would love feedback and ideas for the rest of this story.

Thank you :) ❤️)

Hugo TonksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora