"I know, and I'm sorry," I sincerely apologized, "I-I just don't know what I should do with her... with Jennie."

"You still love her," she murmured.

I sighed. "I shouldn't."

"It's okay, you don't have to punish yourself for still loving her. You've loved her for years."

"What if this feeling never goes away?"

"Then just let it be," she kissed the top of my head, "Cliché as it may sound, things happen for a reason Lis."


The day came when I finally had no other choice but to meet her again. We were all gathered in her company's meeting room, waiting for her when I felt Hee Jin cling her arm to mine.

"Lunch after this?" she asked.

"I'm sorry but I'm kinda busy," I declined politely.

Her fingers brushed on my knuckles that's resting on my lap. "I can bring over some food to your office?"

Although slightly irritated, I tried to sound casual, "That's not really necessary."

Before she was able to answer, thankfully, the double doors opened, revealing Mr. Kwon, another man, and then finally... Jennie.

I tried not to focus on how ridiculously beautiful she was on her attire, wearing a black tube top beneath the black coat hanging on her shoulders, and high heels, her hair perfectly styled on her shoulders while her lips were all red.

Too much for not focusing, Lisa.

Her cat-like eyes roamed around the room slowly, but not slow enough for me to even think she looked at me.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr. Song Mino, the newly appointed executive of the marketing department," Mr. Kwon declared.

The second time I looked at him, I finally recalled why he looked familiar. He's the one Jennie's with when I came to see her in New York.

I watched as Jennie gave him an encouraging smile before sitting in the middle chair.

He then proceeded with his presentation. My mind was wandering all over the place, thinking why the hell is here, that I wasn't able to fully grasp the presentation.

Apparently, Jennie was the complete opposite. She looked so attentive to him-his presentation, I mean.

The meeting ended with everyone praising Song Mino for his work, while I just stood there, not saying anything.

"You can go ahead," I told Hee Jin, not giving her time to respond as I quickly followed after Jennie. She was only with Mr. Kwon when they entered the elevator, and was surprised that I managed to stop it from closing with my hands.

Jennie's eyes went wide when I peaked my head in.

"Ms. Manoban, I'm afraid this lift is going up-or do you have any business upstairs?" Mr. Kwon curiously asked.

I straightened my clothes, walking inside, my eyes on Jennie while hers are far away from mine.

"I'm hoping I could talk to Miss Kim?"

Her eyes went back to mine, surprised.

"Oh, well then..." Mr. Kwon looked at us, his eyes still pressing the button that kept the elevator doors open, "I'll take the next one."

"Thank you Mr. Kwon," I smiled at him as the doors closed, leaving him behind.

"What do you need to talk about..." Jennie finally spoke, turning her body to me as she distanced herself a bit, her voice unsure, "Ms. Manoban?"

I swallowed hard, trying to recall the reason why I wanted to talk to her.

"About Mr. Song..."


Her lips parted, but the elevator door opened. I followed her as she turned to it then stepped out.

"What about him?" she asked, turning to look at me once again.

I looked around and realized this floor is a little empty, leading to a door that looked like her office. I have never been inside it.

"This is a huge project, Ms. Kim. I understand if you want your boyfriend involved in your company, but-"

"He's not my boyfriend," she quickly interfered, her eyes narrowed, "And I'm not giving this project to him just because I know him."

"Really? Isn't it too early for him to handle these things, then?" I tilted my head to the side, watching her intently.

I knew by that frown, she looked pissed.

"He has experience back in New York. My dad was the one who offered him to work for us back when they met in New York, and Dad already reviewed his performance before, it was only recently that he officially transferred here," she said eagerly, "You must have been dozing off during his presentation if you didn't see how perfect for the job he was."

Of everything she said, the one that lingered the most in my mind was having him meet her father. So she introduced him to her father, to her parents?

"Or you were too attentive to him that you didn't see any holes in that presentation?" I answered back roughly.

She looked offended when she furrowed her brows, "I certainly won't give this job to someone who doesn't deserve it. I'm taking my work seriously, Ms. Manoban. Are you?"

"I am, that's why I'm concerned about this-"

"And what is this exactly? So what if we were friends first before he had the job? Don't you think you're the one taking it too personal?"

"Obviously there are people far more experienced that you could've assigned for this job," I said, trying to hide my growing annoyance, "But I guess you wouldn't know because you haven't worked long enough here either and just instantly got the highest position-"

My head tilted sideways with her slap. I can feel my cheek burning. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, unable to recover quickly.

Jennie just slapped me. And though it made me so angry, confusion got the best of me when I opened my eyes and saw tears pooling on her eyes.

My heart ached so bad. Fuck.

"You know how much I worked hard for it all these years," her voice was shaking, and I'm terrified to witness her tears to fall uncontrollably any second from now, "And I didn't ask for it, but my father had to give up his position. I was forced to suddenly run everything all on my own, Lisa."

"I'm sorry," my own mouth betrayed me, as well as my feet that walked me closer to her, "I'm sorry, Jennie."

She looked up at me, blinking her tears away that I couldn't help but catch them with my touch, my touch that made her close her eyes. My touch that lingered on her face, letting her feel it as memories of what happened last week occured to my mind.

I badly wanted to kiss her that night, but even in my drunk state, my heart was breaking too much that I couldn't let myself be.

Then just let it be, Rosé's words repeated on my mind.

Today was no different from that night, but I couldn't find it in myself to hold back. I just wanted to let it be.

So with my arm on her waist, I slowly pulled her against me, leaning down to claim her lips-fuck, for months I've finally felt something familiar.

She didn't respond for a while, startled, but when she did, God. I kissed her salty tears away from her lips, licking her lips with my tongue that earned me a moan from her. With her mouth open I was able to explore her, to taste her... and hell, I wanted more.

With her fingers on my hair, she pulls me closer, her luscious lips attacking mine, deepening our kiss, making me lose my mind.

I might regret it later, or I might not, but right now all I can think about is her lips on mine.

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