Alternate Ending #1

Depuis le début

I take them from her when she hands them to me. The male nurse, Damien, and I sit in silence for what seems like hours while I colour. The only noise being the crayons scratching at the course paper in my lap. Finally, someone bursts into the room.

"I just saw your message, Maria. Where is she?" Yells a tall man.

The lady points to the floor next to the door, where I am seated with Damien. The man whips around and looks at me.

"My god.... Hello, Faith. My name is Warden Green." Says the big man

"Hello, Warden. It's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask why I am here?" I say getting straight to the point.

"Getting straight time business I see. Let's talk in my office for some more privacy." Warden Green says

*an hour later*

"So I'm here because the kidnapping was real. But everything that happened after was just a hallucination?" I ask.

"Yes. Sadly, Mr. Bagans only dropped you off at the hospital and stayed to make sure you were alright. Then he and his crew left and continued on with their job. I doubt he remembers you. But I am pleased to say that you are very well known. Your parents sent out a massive search looking for you."

"My parents?" I ask suddenly.

"Yes. Your parents."

"I.... they're alive?"

"Yes. Would you like to talk to them?"

"Yes! I would!"

Ten minutes later I'm dialing my family's house number. It rings for ten seconds and someone finally picks up.

"Anastasia Wilshire, how can I help you?" Says a soft voice.

I sit in silence. I haven't heard her voice in so long. I feel like it's been years since I've heard from her.

"Hello?" She asks

"Mom?" I ask shakily.

".....Faith?" My mom asks

"Mom! Oh my god I've missed you so much, mom! How are you? How's dad? How's the family?" I ask shaking as I hold back tears.

"Faith... oh my goodness. Uh... we're all fine! We're so worried about you! Your sister and your brother are so upset that they couldn't go see you for your birthday. The warden said you were having trouble adjusting to your new space and you needed to stay there longer. How are you feeling?"

Mira and my baby brother

"Umm... well if I'm being honest, I don't really remember anything. It's a lot to explain but I'm doing great just talking to you. Can I talk to dad?"

"Oh honey, he's at work right now. I'll tell him that you called. Do you want to talk to your sister? She's missed you so much."

"Yes please let me talk to her!" I say

A moment later, Mira's voice floods through the phone.

"Faye! Oh my god I can't believe your awake. I ... I miss you so much!" She says

Her voice is like music to my ears.

"Mira! You're- you're alive! I swear I say you die!"

"I know, I know. I saw it in a dream. But I'm alright. I'm alive. I'm here! At home with mom and little Travis."


"Oh Mira, I can't wait to go back home and see you guys." I whisper.

"Me too. Hopefully we can visit you soon." She says

After about ten minutes of talking to my family, I'm taken to the cafeteria for lunch. After lunch it's to a one on one therapy session to catch up on what happened in my life. The real one. After therapy, I have free time. I go back to my room and ask Damien, my nurse, to bring the colouring book and the crayons from the wardens office. I spend the rest of my night colouring.

*several months later*

It's time for me to go home. My family has come to visit several times before the warden decided I was ready to go back home. They even brought me a fresh set of clothes. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. A pair of tight black jeans, a fitted long sleeve, a baggy graphic shirt, a belt, socks, and a new pair of converse. They even got me a hair tie. I haven't used a hair tie in MONTHS. Mostly because there are none in this facility. Most of the girls don't have as much hair as I do so there was no need for them.

I get dressed and rush down to the common room where I meet Damien. He escorts me into the front lobby where my family is. Mira and Travis run up and tackle me into a hug. I hug them back and sob. My parents run up to us and join the hug.

"Oh honey! We've missed you so much!" My mom says.

Her voice sends me into a full blown melt down. I manage to compose myself long enough to get checked out and get a bag full of all the pills I need to take. Pills for my anxiety, depression, PTSD, and my sleeping pills. After all the pills are handed to my family, we are allowed to go back home.

*third person POV*

In the several months that followed, Faith learned a lot about her family. Old memories resurfaced and she had an easier time remembering things than before. She got to know her brother and sister like she never did before. Her relationship with her family became stronger than ever and she even finished high school with Mira. She led a very happy life from then and moved out to a quiet little house in the forest and started a career in art and music. Mira came over everyday with her boyfriend to hear how things were coming along. Faith eventually did meet Zak again. She even met Dakota but they didn't get together. Faith married a nice man from Portland who treated her like Dakota did in then reality she created.

Of course she still had bad days where she couldn't get out of bed and work, but she always got back into the zone the minute she felt better. Faith even had a baby. Her name is Ella and she is the sweetest little girl in the world. They lived long and happy lives.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant