"What are you talking about?" Ah Si answered as his face began to redden.

"Where did you go with Shancai? Did you follow the plan we made for you?" Ximen asked.

"We were trapped in an elevator the whole night." Ah Si answered which made my eyes widen.

"An elevator?" Meizuo and Ximen exclaimed. I shook my head, laughing as I could already imagine what kind of ideas were forming in their head.

"Wow, so exciting. How was it?" Meizuo asked excitedly.

"It was cold and Shancai gave me her clothes. And I started feeling very hot. I was sweating all over, so..." Ah Si trailed off as Meizuo and Ximen leaned in to hear more of what had happened. I was curious too.

"What happened in the end?" Ximen prodded, asking Ah Si to continue.

"I thought something would happen in the end. But then...The workers came and found us." Ah Si ended, clearly annoyed with how the date ended. Ximen and Meizuo were the same, hoping for a different outcome.

"You're such a weird couple." Meizuo said.

"Weird? I'm still mad at that elevator worker." Ah Si said as he stomped his foot in annoyance. I laughed at his reaction.

"Guys I'm gonna get some sleep but I'll talk to you later! Bye! Zuo, you still have the spare key to my house right?" I asked as Ah Si turned the phone to Meizuo.

"Yeah, I still have it. I'll come by after class Shui." he said as he held up the key to me and I nodded.

"Bye Shuijing! Feel better!" Ximen called out which I smiled to.

"See you Shui!" Ah Si added giving me a wave goodbye.

"Bye guys!" I said as I hung up.



Ximen and I were just about done with classes and were just hanging out in the Bridge room. We were talking about Ah Si and Shancai. I was leaving in a while to pick up some stuff for Shuijing. Ah Si suddenly walked in since he was excused from classes, given he was sick.

"What are you looking at?" He asked and casually sat in front of us. Ximen hit his shoulder casually.

"No wonder you came to school sick. You couldn't wait to declare your territory." He said as I smiled.

"Declare my territory?" Ah Si asked.

"You went on a date with Shancai last night. And today, everyone says you're dating." I stated which made Ah Si laugh.

"If I don't tell the world who I like, I'd be waiting for someone to steal her." He smugly said which made Ximen and I slowly clap at him. We walked past him and headed up the stairs.

"Are you heading to Shuijing's now?" Ximen asked which I nodded to.

"Yeah, I just have to pick up some things and drive thereafter." I said as I continued to walk up the stairs.

"Hey, where are you going? You're leaving me? Hey." Ah Si complained as we left him alone in the Bridge Room.

I picked up some medicine and some food for Shuijing and drove to her house. I parked my car and took out the spare key from my pocket. I got inside and headed upstairs to her bedroom. I knocked on her bedroom door.

"Shuijing? It's me." I said as I waited for her response. I heard her sneeze.

"It's open." she weakly responded as I opened the door.

There she was wrapped in her blankets and there were dozens of used tissues around her. Her hair was messy and her nose was really red, probably from all the sneezing.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I set down the food and the medicine on the table beside her.

"I feel like I'm dying."She answered which made me laugh. She glared at me.

"How dare you laugh at my suffering?" She jokingly threatened as she pouted. I ruffled her hair.

"Hey! Not the hair!" she exclaimed, swatting my hand away. I took out the soup.

"Eat first and then we'll talk okay?" I said as she nodded. I helped her sit up and started to feed her the soup.

"Zuo, I can eat by myself you know?" she stated which made me smile.

"I know you can but I haven't seen you in 3 years okay? So can I please take care of you? As your best friend?" I pleaded which she giggled at.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

We talked for a while until she eventually fell asleep. She was cuddling against her stuffed koala. Kenny. It was from me. I got it for her on her birthday when we had this huge fight when we were 8 cause I ditched her for this girl I was trying to impress. At that time, I forgot it was her birthday. I was trying to show her this cool trick on a skateboard when Shuijing showed up and pushed me down. I was mad at her but when I saw her crying, my heart broke. She told me she hated me and didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I was really sad and tried to talk to her but she wouldn't listen so I bought her Kenny. Kenny actually has a voice recorder so I recorded my apology and asked Jing to give it to her.

"Shuijing, if you're hearing this, you've probably got Kenny from Jing already. I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I really didn't mean to. You should know that you're the most important girl to me. I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm really sorry Shuijing. I hope you can forgive me cause I honestly can't think about what would happen if we weren't friends anymore. Please forgive me.."

I smiled at the memory and looked down at Shuijing. I brushed some of her hair away from her face. I was just looking at her. How is it possible for someone who's sick to be this pretty? I leaned in closer and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I caressed her cheek and walked out of her room.


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Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now