Chapter 6 : Agrestes' Mansion

Start from the beginning

Marinette's face lit up. "Really?" She rushed towards me. I explain how I figured out the scribbles and numbers and pointed out how it all connected. When I finished, Marinette wrinkled her nose.

"But there is only one mansion though in Paris," she says. Her face turned dark. I was about to ask what was she thinking when suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. "The only mansion in Paris is.." her bluebell eyes met mine. We both gulped.

"The Agrestes' mansion."


"Maybe we should tell the Guardians of Paris," Marinette says. Remembering Adrien is Chat Noir, I shook my head. It's better if he stays out of this. "Why not?" she asked. "Um, I think Chat is scared of the place.He said Gabriel Agreste gives him the heebie jeebies and makes his knees wobble. Oh and I heard the mansion has a lot of feathers too, isn't Chat allergic to feathers?" I said, I choose my words carefully as I do not want Marinette to suspect Adrien.

"Sheesh, heebie jeebies? Whatever. I think Ladybug and Blaze can handle it," Marinette said, perplexed at the thought of Chat Noir's 'comment' on Gabriel Agreste. I smiled awkwardly. "I'll tell them. Ladybug and I are friends," I said. It is true though, I mean..I am literally sitting here with Ladybug cracking codes. Marinette, knowing that I am Blaze, nodded. "Alright then. See you later, Marinette. Thanks for helping me!," I waved at her. "No problem!" She beamed.


I heard a knock on my window and immediately went towards it. It was Ladybug. I let her in. "So, I heard from a little bird that we're going to get sneaky tonight," Ladybug smirked. "Though I am worried, who or what could be needing our help?" I shrugged. "No clue."

I transformed into Blaze and followed Ladybug to the mansion. It was very late at night, almost all of Parisians are sleeping at this moment. We hopped from roof to roof and finally reached the mansion. Ladybug let out the piece of paper that has the redrawn map. We exchanged glances and nodded. We split up, I searched for any signs of active alarms. We don't want to set them off. But the coast was clear, so we both got up to the tower. "Rats, now how are we gonna get in?" Ladybug said.

"Need some help, ladies?"

We froze. The voice was very familiar. I turned around to see Chat Noir looking at us with his arms folded. A smirk was plastered on his face. "First of all, what are you guys up to? And why didn't you call me?" he asked. I sighed. He's definitely not gonna like what he's about to hear.

Reluctantly, I explained what I found out (I didn't mention Marinette, I said I figured the whole thing out with a friend ). He listened and to my surprise, kept a calm composure. "We heard the mansion was full of feathers so knowing that you're allergic to feathers, we didn't call you," I finished. Of course that was a lie, I know the place doesn't have feathers.

"So, you're saying something or someone is in this place?" he asked. He had a skeptical look on his face. Ladybug and I nodded. His face returned back to normal and then he said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He ushered us to follow him. "But what about the fea-"I began, but Ladybug already joined him and I was alone on the roof.

He brought us to an open window, "Isn't this Adrien's room?" Ladybug asked. "Yep, he always leaves the window open, don't know why." Chat climbed into the room. Ladybug and I climbed in after him and I saw bumps underneath the blanket. 'Smart',  I thought. I know that underneath the blanket were pillows or something, but Ladybug didn't suspect anything. She leaned over to me and whispered, "Thank god he's asleep. I don't think he'll think of this as a pleasant surprise if he wakes up though."

I giggled and followed Chat closely behind. We crept out of Adrien's room and went downstairs. "Careful," he says. "I believe this is where the map shows," he tried the doorknob of a room at the left of the stairs. It was locked, of course.

"I might have a solution."

I used the typical pin picklock trick, and it definitely does its job. As soon as I heard the click, I twisted the doorknob.

Works like a charm.

We went inside, not forgetting to close the door just in case someone comes downstairs. We searched on what could be hiding in the room, but we found nothing. "Wrong room?" I asked. "No this has to be it. Maybe it's hidden somewhere." Ladybug said optimistically.

"But we don't even know what it is!"

I leaned against the window. 'This is hopeless,' I thought. I put my hands behind my back. That's when my elbow pushed something further. I yelped and turned around. There, one of the glass panels of the window was pushed back. The glass was weird, it was as if that one piece of glass weren't actually glass, but somekind of a weird material. Ladybug and Chat were looking at me. I pushed the glass even further and then it flipped. I yelped again.

There was hole. A pitch black hole. I put my hand inside, and I find my hand going deeper and deeper.

But then I touched something.

I went in further,straining to keep my balance and grabbed the thing. It was thin and it felt like it was rolled and tied. Ladybug and Chat were by my side now. I grabbed and kept hold on it, bringing it back outside.

It was a scroll.

It was tied in a red and black silk ribbon, it looked like it was there for so long. There was dust on it, I quickly blew them away. All three of us exchanged looks. Each of our eyes were shining with excitement and curiousity. Trembling with exhiliration, I untied the yellowing paper and spread it out.

My heart sank.


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