Chapter 6 : Agrestes' Mansion

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I stared at Marinette in shock. Why would it spell 'help'? And why is it in my locker? Who wants me to help them? Why would they use Morse code?

Marinette opened her mouth as if to say something, but I interrupted her when I said, "We still need to work on the scribbles behind the papers." "I have to help at the bakery for a bit, but you can stay here. I'll be right back, feel free to use any of the papers and pens in case you need it" she says before leaving. I sighed and stared at the papers. I flipped it over and then I saw the same scribbles. Only I didn't notice there were numbers.

I grabbed a paper and pen from the edge of the desk and wrote down all the numbers. When I finished, I observed the numbers closely.

H: 14-26

E: 13-8

L: 4-12

P: 13

I stared at the numbers, but my mind was blank. I turned to the scribbles on the paper. Slowly, the gears and cogs in my brain start to work. I arranged and rearranged the paper, not really sure what shape I was trying to do. It took me a while to finally see what it was.

It was a simple map. Maps with lines and rectangles and all that stuff. I have seen people draw it in the mystery books I've read. I drew it back on the paper.

 I drew it back on the paper

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Now, I know it was a map. But I don't know the map of what. It could be anything. My guess is the round thing is a tower and the perpendicular lines must be a driveway. I look back at the numbers. It couldn't be a date.

I snap my fingers. But it could be numbers but according to the alphabetical order!

14-26 13-8 4-12 13


I bite my right cheek (nervous habit). That can't be right. I stared at the window. If it's not in alphabetical order, then what? This puzzle must be solved, maybe someone really is in danger. I really hope it's not a prank or something. If it's the other way around and someone was just playing a trick on us-

Then it hit me.

The other way around.

The other way around.

The other way around!

Maybe that's it! Maybe it is in alphabetical order, but it was reversed! The other way around! I grabbed my pen and started working my brain.

14-26 13-8 4-12 13


The map must be of a mansion! The large rectangle must be the mansion, the diamond shape thing is the gate, the lines as the driveway and the circle as a tower! I heard Marinette coming upstairs and as soon as she went into the room, I exclaimed, "I think I understand what it means!"

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