Chapter 3

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After knowing Akanishi Jin for the past seven years Nakamaru Yuichi had learned a long time ago, the idiot could hold his liquor to a certain extent. Why said idiot decided he wanted to get hammered tonight was beyond him. True to his word the older man had indeed nursed a single drink whereas his friend and coworker had polished 5, 6? Honestly, Yuichi had not even kept track, let alone started to count.

It was not often the two went out for drinks due to their line of work. It was a rare occasion. Hell neither of them remembered the last time they stepped foot in the bar by their own choice and not an assignment. But after hearing the story from Jin, about how two of the thugs they were tracking down had been stopped, he had almost thought he had downed his first drink without his own knowledge and was now nursing his second. The entire story had been ludicrous and at the same time hilarious. If he had not seen the welt on Iwasaki's forehead he wouldn't have believed where the injury had come from.

"We're closing up boys," The bartender announced.

Yuichi nodded in acknowledgment, "No, worries. I gotta get his sorry ass home," It wouldn't be the first time, but the first in a long time. Both had exchanged favors as they called it relying on each other to get home safe and in one piece. Well, as safe as they could be in their line of work.

"Just be sure to do it in one piece. Got enough people falling apart after having one too many," The bartender joked.

A small chuckle leaves both customers before they head out the door, "Good thing you agreed to head home tonight," Nakamaru pointed out, "If the boss saw you in this sorry state he wouldn't hesitate to take you off the case."

"He can't control what we do on our off hours," Jin retorted, "If I wanna get wasted, for fuck's sake I'm gonna get wasted," He stumbled but only a little.

"I think you already got that covered, Jin," Yuichi pointed out, "When I get you home you're gonna eat a piece of bread and sleep it off. There's no way in hell you're coming back to work with a fucking hangover,"

"I caught two of the thugs we have been looking for, I was entitled to celebrate a little," Jin argued climbing into Yuichi's car with surprisingly little difficulty.

"Actually from what you told me, that homeless kid, Kame caught them," Yuichi said as he climbed into the driver's seat and slid the key into the ignition, "I am surprised you didn't offer the kid a meal or something."

A sober look appeared on Jin's face and he turned to look at Yuichi, "I tried actually. The kid panicked and ran away. I want to thank him but its kind of hard to when I can't find hide nor hair of him."

"Why not check with your roommate to see if he can keep an eye out for him?" Yuichi suggested, "Can't hurt."

Jin shrugged, "I'm just grateful my roommate doesn't ask any questions about my job. He's told me as long as I keep my half of the rent paid and my half of the apartment clean he doesn't care," He chuckles softly, "Helps we knew each other in high school for a while too.

"Koki's the same," Yuichi chuckled, "Then again he's barely home too. Working as a bartender at night and writing songs during the day. He's going to get somewhere with his music."

"Doesn't he also work at that music store, Platinum Notes?" Jin asked, "I know Pi does."

"Already on a nickname basis?" Yuichi asked, "Should I be jealous?"

Jin lightly punched Yuichi's shoulder, "In your dreams. Besides, I've been calling him that since high school."

"If you're in my dreams it qualifies as a nightmare," Yuichi tease before pulling in front of the apartment building. He had made sure to take a long way to avoid anyone trying to follow them and figure out where either he or Jin lived, "You gonna be okay getting inside?"

Jin unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to look at his friend, "Don't pull away until you see the light on."

Yuichi took that as a yes and waited. He knew Jin could get inside in one piece but he also knew it was better to not through caution to the wind. After all, if the asshats they were chasing didn't hunt him down and kill him, Jin's roommate definitely would for showing up back home at ass o'clock in the morning. But once he saw the light on he put his car in gear and drove home.

Timing. It was all about timing. And Kazuya couldn't have timed needing to get a drink of water at 3 am any better. He downed the clear beverage before rising the glass out for good measure and headed back towards the living room where he had insisted Yamapi put the borrowed futon. He wasn't about to bother his one night host in case he snored or spoke in his sleep. Just as he was about to slide under his always present tattered baby blue blanket he froze when he heard the sound of the front lock being opened. For a split second, he panicked seemingly forgetting Yamapi had a roommate. But the panic dissipated only to immediately return when Kazuya realized he recognized the newest occupant of the apartment.

"What the hell are you doing here?" They spoke in almost perfect unison.

Kazuya felt his hand grow clammy and he immediately started gathering his items shoving them into his bag. He needed to get out he could not stay here. It had been a mistake to do so he-

"Kid, hey hey," Jin's eyes widened when he saw the frightened expression on the younger's face, "Pi! Wake up and get your ass out here!"

Shit, now Yamapi would be-wait. Did this guy just call Yamashita 'Pi'? Before he could even process the thought Kazuya could hear one of the doors down the hall opening and a grumbling disheveled Yamashita Tomohisa staggering into the room.

"What the fuck Jin? Where the hell have you been and do you have any idea what ti-" Yamapi's words are cut off when he notices how much Kazuya is shaking. He immediately goes to kneel in front of his friend and pulled him into a hug, "Hey, hey, Kame-chan hey, it's okay. It's just my roommate. I told you a little about him, he won't hurt you," Yamapi's eyes glare up at the other man and he added pointedly, "Right?"

Jin obviously bewildered at the whole situation held his hand up in defense, "Right. Hell, this is the kid that helped me the other day. I have no reason to hurt him."

"Wait? Kame's the one who helped you?" Yamapi asked before looking at Kazuya who had buried his face into his shoulder, "Is the name of the guy you helped Akanishi?"

"Yeah, but I did not know he was your roommate," Kazuya murmured, "I'm sorry. Let me get my things and I'll go. I've worn out my welcome already."

"Wait," Jin knelt down in front of the two and placed the back of his hand on Kazuya's forehead, "For fuck's sake Pi, you aren't going to let him leave, are you? The guy has a damn fever."

Yamapi reached up to touch Kazuya's forehead as well and winced, "He's right Kame. You are not going anywhere. At least not tonight. As for tomorrow, we'll see."

"But I-"

"Kid, trust me you don't want to argue with him," Jin said pointedly, "I've tried and I've always gotten my ass handed to me. He's the only one, besides Maru that I'll listen to."

"Maru? You mean Nakamaru?" Kazuya asked softly.

"If you mean Yuichi Nakamaru, you, or rather he better have a good reason why he knows you and hasn't told me," Jin grumbled.

"His roommate is one of my best friends," Kazuya explained, "I don't know Nakamaru personally just know his name in passing with Koki."

"Shit small world, isn't it?" Yamapi pointed out chuckling before turning back to look at Kame, "Now are you going to listen to us and get some rest until you feel better, or are you going to be as stubborn as Ueda?"

"Oh, hell no."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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